This cairn marks the site of the first school of Section 13 McNab. Built in 1868. The Glasgow Women's Institute erected the cairn in 1968. The cairn is located on the corner of Calabogie Road and And
This cairn marks the site of the first school of Section 13 …
Usbourne Central School Bell November 8, 1976 Wincheslea School Bell was erected at Usbourne Central School. Cost of Bell shared by Student Council of Usbourne Elmville, Hurondale, and Kirkton Womens
Usbourne Central School Bell November 8, 1976 Wincheslea School Bell was erected …
BBFG photo –caption Members of Reid’s Corners Women’s Institute gather round the Learning Chair they have donated to the Bruce Botanical Food Garden in Ripley: back L Brenda Ramsdale, Ruby Walden, Al
BBFG photo –caption Members of Reid’s Corners Women’s Institute gather round the …
Trout Mills Women's Institute, held first meeting on Nov.7, 1947 This picture is of the Crossing sign that was erected around 1964, after a petition was started by our W.I. member Rena Rowe after wit
Trout Mills Women's Institute, held first meeting on Nov.7, 1947 This picture …
This is a picture of the Beamsville Cenotaph that was erected in Beamsville following World War I to honour the young men who had fought in that war and did not return home to their loved ones. Beams
This is a picture of the Beamsville Cenotaph that was erected in …
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