This 12 page special section of the Brantford Expositor honours the 75th Anniversary of the Women's Institute. It provides information on: - the first minutes and early history of the WI. - informati
This 12 page special section of the Brantford Expositor honours the 75th …
In 1967, the Lee family home (not yet a museum) was designated by the Ontario Archaeological and Historic Sites Board. Erland and Janet’s daughter and daughter-in-law, Marjorie Lee and Katherine Lee
In 1967, the Lee family home (not yet a museum) was designated …
Northern Area Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), 1996 This 46-page booklet was created to encourage members to host a fashion show for WI's 100th anniversary. It includes diagrams and sketches of clothing styles over the last 100 years and includes comm
Northern Area Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), 1996 This 46-page booklet was created to encourage members to host a fashion …
Stoney Creek WI Scrapbook, 1940-59 - "Five-year Farm Recreation Plan" article with caption "What a united community can do" - Newspaper clippings related to various local WI branches: - St. George -
Stoney Creek WI Scrapbook, 1940-59 - "Five-year Farm Recreation Plan" article with …
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