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- Bervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1966] - [1989] Newspaper Articles - W.I. Area Conventions - District Annuals - Bruce County Rally's - W.I. Workshops - W.I. Officer Conferences - Presidents of F.W.I.O. 1954 - 1979Bervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1966] - [1989] Newspaper Articles - W.I. Area Conventions - District Annuals - Bruce County …
- Bervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1957] - [1986] Obituaries - Eva Wheaton Thompson, April 3, 1971 - Ida May Stanley Oliver, November 30,1970 - Thomas W. Brown, October 23,1929 - Sarah Nesbit McConnell, October 6, 1957 - Frank W. Bainton, October 20Bervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1957] - [1986] Obituaries - Eva Wheaton Thompson, April 3, 1971 - Ida May Stanley …
- Bervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1977] - [2011] Pictures from Bruce South District Workshop Newspaper Articles - Bervie W.I., numerous years Ripley W.I. - 75 Years of Service F.W.I.O. Annual Meeting Newspaper Articles - F.W.I.O. Kincardine W.I. 65Bervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1977] - [2011] Pictures from Bruce South District Workshop Newspaper Articles - Bervie W.I., numerous …
- Bervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1980] - [1998] First Reunion in 1907 was Innovative 'Those were the days' Ads for local businesses Entertainment for Reunion 42nd Bruce County W.I. Rally Obituary - Anne Agnes Colwell McCosh, January 9, 2002 ChambeBervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1980] - [1998] First Reunion in 1907 was Innovative 'Those were the days' Ads for …
- Bervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1999] - [2004] Obituary - Lynwood Geddes, Sept. 24,2001 Sports - Jeff Alcombrack Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band Medical Missionary, Rev. George Sach, Jan. 18,1995 95th Birthday - Gladys Arnold, 2000 Various NewspapeBervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1999] - [2004] Obituary - Lynwood Geddes, Sept. 24,2001 Sports - Jeff Alcombrack Kincardine Scottish …
- Bervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1986] - [2005] Tribute to the British Monarch at 60 Unique Sawmill a Local Business Success Various Newspaper Articles Heritage Home Tour, August 1986 Caboose Museum a Showplace for Nostalgic Train Relics RetiremenBervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1986] - [2005] Tribute to the British Monarch at 60 Unique Sawmill a Local Business …
- This building was originally a Loyal Orange Lodge (L.O.L.) and was constructed in 1855. It was one of the earliest structures in Bervie. In 1960 Bervie WI purchased the hall. The next year they movedThis building was originally a Loyal Orange Lodge (L.O.L.) and was constructed …
- Historic District: Bruce South Active: YesHistoric District: Bruce South Active: Yes
- Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.
- Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.
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