North Grey WI Branch decided to refurbish a park bench that had been placed by the former Annan WI at the Peter Cameron Children's Park in Leith. Here is the before photo featuring member Mary Hall.
North Grey WI Branch decided to refurbish a park bench that had …
North Grey WI Branch decided to refurbish a park bench that had been placed by the former Annan WI at the Peter Cameron Children's Park in Leith. Here is the after photo.
North Grey WI Branch decided to refurbish a park bench that had …
To celebrate Arkell WI's 100th Anniversary we dedicated a bench in Farnham Cemetery. Previously Arkell WI supported the Cemetery by providing the funds to build the gate in 1931 and again in 1967. Se
To celebrate Arkell WI's 100th Anniversary we dedicated a bench in Farnham …
To mark their 60th anniversary, the Maple Grove Women's Institute went to Cambridge Manor, a new nursing home in our area and asked if there was anything we could contribute to the home as our outrea
To mark their 60th anniversary, the Maple Grove Women's Institute went to …
The Mountain View Cemetery was originally privately owned. Then from 1919 to 2002 members of the Mountain View W.I. Branch maintained the grounds, cutting grass and keeping it presentable. So a bench
The Mountain View Cemetery was originally privately owned. Then from 1919 to …
Funding for this project was provided by the Government of Canada
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