Canada 150 project, an art tree documenting Admaston Bromley township. It's small communities , clubs and organizations. To be used for Canada 150 celebrations, and to hang in the township offices. T
Canada 150 project, an art tree documenting Admaston Bromley township. It's small …
Glasgow WI erected a Peace Pole today in Waba Gardens, White Lake. This pole was carved out by one of our own members. The pole is a 6x6 cedar post. On each side we wrote the word peace in a differen
Glasgow WI erected a Peace Pole today in Waba Gardens, White Lake. …
This is a picture of the Mattawa War Memorial Cenotaph, dedicated to the fallen in two World Wars, by the Mattawa Women's Institute. This Cenotaph can be found in the heart of Mattawa, where the Matt
This is a picture of the Mattawa War Memorial Cenotaph, dedicated to …
This is the west end entrance to the Village of Rockton located on Old Hwy #8 and was first started by R.W.I. members and spouses in the early 1980's. Institute members carried on throughout most of
This is the west end entrance to the Village of Rockton located …
In 2016, Norwich Township declared that the hall could not be rented due to changing fire regulations. With rising hydro and fuel costs and declining involvement, the Cornell Women's Institute could
In 2016, Norwich Township declared that the hall could not be rented …
Solway Women's Institute was organized May, 1951 and disbanded in April, 2017. This plaque was placed at the Brant Township Office and Workshop, Concession 5, Brant Township located on Bruce County R
Solway Women's Institute was organized May, 1951 and disbanded in April, 2017. …
This collage represents the signs that were updated and replaced in 2016 by the Gillies Hill WI in remembrance of hamlets in the community which are now gone but not forgotten. The signs shown are fo
This collage represents the signs that were updated and replaced in 2016 …
Adamsville WI Hall Adamsville Women's Institute was organized in 1934 and disbanded in 2012. The Community Hall was the former one-room school (S.S. #3, Albemarle Township, Bruce County) until 1967 w
Adamsville WI Hall Adamsville Women's Institute was organized in 1934 and disbanded …
Funding for this project was provided by the Government of Canada
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