Vinemount Women's Institute, (19150702), [1981]-[1990] Vinemount Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 4 - Photo of Edith Vickers and Elva Weylie - Newspaper photo of Elva Weylie becoming President of Wentworth South District WI - Newspaper photo of 56th
Vinemount Women's Institute, (19150702), [1981]-[1990] Vinemount Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 4 - Photo of Edith Vickers and …
Vinemount Women's Institute, (19160721), [1999]-[2001] - Photos of unveiling of Hilda Beachin memorial garden and plaque - Photos of 75th anniversary tea, March 2001, Rock Chapel Church Hall - Photos of Carrie Shuker and Peg Andrew cutting the 75th Anniv
Vinemount Women's Institute, (19160721), [1999]-[2001] - Photos of unveiling of Hilda Beachin memorial garden and plaque - …
Vinemount Women's Institute, (19170112), [2000]-[2003] - Mary Stewart Collect and explanation of the Collect - Article, “Canada’s First Drive-In Theatre at Stoney Creek,” 1961 - Article, “Tweedside Cemetery” - Article, “History meets art: Tour held at hi
Vinemount Women's Institute, (19170112), [2000]-[2003] - Mary Stewart Collect and explanation of the Collect - Article, “Canada’s …
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