LORD TREEDSMUIR Governot-General of Canada 1935-1940 LAa¥ TWEEDSMUIR Her Excellency, The Lady _Iweedsmuir, Canada's first Lady, 1935-40, and a former ardent English Women's Institute member and worker, has given the Women's Institutes of Canada a tremendous impetus during her regime as wife of our Governor-General. While resident in Canada, her Kxcellency eraciously accepted the office of Honerary President of the Federated Woments Institute of Ontario, and also a life membership. Not only has she backed up her keen interest by many inspirational talks at Conventions and Institute meetings, but she has shown it in a practical way by the collection of approximately 25,000 books which have been made into rural libraries, These are known as the Lady Tweedsmuir Libraries and are circulated mainly in the remote districts of three western province es,- Manitoba, Saskatchewan, andAlberta.