Detective Divas - Clue #3

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WISH Story #3 – We Are All One - photo left to right: Janet Back, Sharran Back, Iris Greer, Brenda Stanbury
When I first read our Scavenger Hunt Challenge #3 I thought we should dress up as a Rock Band but that didn’t tie into the messages of our stories, so you will not see a heavy metal band picture of the Detective Divas. Instead you will see rocks with a message of love and hope for the unity of all mankind. A unity that we believe will create peace within families, within communities, within countries and within the world.
I’ve chosen my friend Cathe Lacroix to leave my rock with as she is such an open minded, free spirited individual and she as I do, believe that no matter who you are or what your life choices are, that you should be happy to be and love whoever you wish.
Cathe and I have been friends for over 15 years. We met first as co-workers for the Bracebridge
Examiner. We became good friends and later were roommates out in Canmore, Alberta. Our friendship
is still strong and exists till this very day.

Cathe has such a zest for life. She enjoys adventures and meeting new people. She always has a
remarkable story to tell. I have known Cathe for over 15 years and I am still hearing stories of her past that not only amaze me, amuse me but simply blow me away.

I am extremely fortunate to call Cathe a friend. I wish her nothing but health, happiness, and love
always! Janet Back
After we moved to Muskoka from Toronto, twenty plus years ago, Ed and Barb Lowe became our closest friends here. Hank and I enjoyed dinners, cards, drives and even getting ice cream together. Five years ago Ed lost his wife, my dear friend Barb, and four years ago I lost the love of my like, Hank. Ed and I are each other’s best friends. We help each other every day to get through challenges that are presented to us. Eight months ago a journey started for Ed and eventually lead to having part of his leg amputated due to a diabetic complication. He has had an uphill battle which he overcame through sheer determination. He works hard every day to gain back his independence and he doesn’t back down from anything. My rock goes to Ed who keeps on living life. Sharran Back
I’ve chosen to give my rock to my daughter Gilda. When I was looking through a baby book to select her name the page opened to Gilda. It means Servant of God. I left my rock on the passenger seat of her car with a note saying thank you for being my rock when my mom passed away the year you were born. She kept me grounded even though I was grieving. She continues to live up to her name and is there for my husband and me when we need something. As a servant of God she is thoughtful and caring towards her family and towards all others she encounters. She is a rock one can always count on.
Iris Greer

Through Women’s Institute I have met many talented, creative and caring women. I had not entertained many people in the early years after moving to the rural area so I was actually surprised when a WI member invited my husband and I to a luncheon. Maureen and her husband are both active members of the community. Bill is a founding member of the Windermere Lion’s Club and Maureen is a big supporter of WI both through participation and financially.
When the husband of another WI member underwent a lung transplant and his wife Lorna was traveling to and from Toronto weekly, Maureen created a little fairy house and secretly placed it at Lorna’s doorstep so it would bring a ‘little smile’ to her face when she returned from Toronto. Now Maureen’s husband is bedridden and Maureen is in need of a ‘little smile’. I hope Maureen takes a moment from her day to see my secret rock to her that tells her We Are All One. I hope it brings her a ‘little smile’ in knowing she is not alone. It is often the ‘little things’ that make a great impact or memory, often more than one ever realizes. It is not ‘rock-hard’ to do a little thing to bring about that smile or to create that memory. It is not rock-hard to encourage friendships that can unite people. Smile, take that first step. Invite people into your life. Learn and understand. Unite. Rock-On People, Rock-On! Bring about that unity!
Brenda Stanbury
We Are All One : Janet includes acceptance of LGBTQ in her story, Sharran discusses people who have similar life experiences of loss of their spouses and supporting one another, Iris advocates helping others as her daughter does, Brenda promotes meeting new people to get to know and understand them. Each story reflects how We Are All One.
Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.
Date of Publication
Jun 2022
Geographic Coverage
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 44.90011 Longitude: -79.36633
Brenda Stanbury
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