Waters WI Several WI Branches continue to support Canada Comforts and the Waters WI (Sudbury District, North Central Area) is one of them! Members met recently to package numerous handmade articles such as afghans, hats and special teddy bears with Maple Leaf sweaters. In total, 13 boxes were sent to Canada Comforts. Pictured (L-R): Gloria Pakkala, Mary Frantila, Joyce Nelson and Susan Leishman. Zion Line-Beachburg WI The Zion Line-Beachburg WI (Renfrew North District, Eastern Area) presented donations collected by Members and friends to the Bernadette McCann House (BMH). The BMH mission is to provide safety, support and education for women and children and those who experience abuse and to work for change that will end abuse. BMH is the only place in Renfrew County where people who suffer from violence or abuse can receive help. Pictured: On hand to receive the donations was Leigh Sweeney, Executive Director of BMH (centre) with WI Members, Christine Reaburn (left) and Ruth Douma (right). Simcoe Centre-West District WI On November 20, 2017, representatives of the Simcoe Centre-West District WI (Simcoe Area) traveled to Barrie to make a presentation to the Royal Victoria Hospital of a cheque for $2,000 to be used for the new Cardiac Unit. This unit will be a great service to the area of Simcoe County and Muskoka, providing services closer to home. Presently, cardiac patients travel to either Newmarket or Toronto. The new unit officially opened in January 2018 and will be expanding over several months. One of the new machines in the Cardiac Unit is the most up-to-date of any such machine in all of Canada. Pictured making the presentation (L-R) are Members of the Simcoe Centre-West Executive: Doreen Smith (ROSE), Barb Harvey (Vice President), Mary Stone (Treasurer), Dianne Ritchie (President), Sandy Houston (Past President/Advocacy), Elaine Steele (PRO) and Rebecca Truax (Royal Victoria Hospital representative). Codrington WI Members of the Codrington WI (Trent Valley Area) gathered recently to present the Campbellford Memorial Hospital (CMH) Foundation with a $2,000 donation to help purchase a new commercial washer and dryer for the hospital. The funds were raised by the Codrington WI through catering special events. The Branch also made a donation to the Bridge Hospice for the purchase of audio equipment and entertainment upgrades. Pictured (L-R) are Branch 2nd Vice-President, Debbie Dupuis; Assistant Treasurer, Betty Ann Clitherow; Catering Coordinator, Cathy McCann; CMH Foundation Executive Director, John Russell; Donor Relations Coordinator, Catherine Holt; Branch President, Andrea Nelson; 1st Vice-President, Judi Violet and Treasurer, Marianne Beaton. 19