~~ 9 » 7 Y. -d { a0 [4 Ld 'gL mTe Se 4 .6 ASSOCIATION .OF ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS Rd i 4 'employed by Hugh Wilson, P.L.S., in Mount Forest, ang after = XA wards was engaged on a survey in the North West. After in. becoming an Ontario Land Surveyor on April 6th, 1882, he 7s practiced for a time in the Napanee-Kingston district. He S347 was an assistant engineer ang draughtsman on the Kingston CE & Pembroke Railway at Kingston, in the year 1884, under the 237 late T. W. Nash, O.L.S. and Chief Engineer. pias He afterwards married Miss Jessie Grace Greaves, by Fi: whom he had two children, Douglas ang Helen Katharine. This ST 80ND was a captain of artillery in the ]ate war, where he did excellent work and gave his life for the freedom of his country, :.°- "like so many others of our brave young men. The sister mar- 7 ried Mr. S. S. Newbury, and they now reside at Denver, Colorado. The mother of these children died in Virginia in the yeur 1892 where her husband was engaged on surveys, Soon dfter this Charles Edward returned to Canada, and later married Gertrude Hogle, dauchter of William Hogle, of Odessa. He then became city engineer of Westmount, Montreal, where he was employed for some years-and took a special interest in laying out the parks and drives. Two sons, John Murray and Edward, were the 1ssue from the second marriage. The former now resides in New York City and the latter in Boston. CA Charles Edward Booths health failed and he was Sr obliged to resign his position in Montrezl. He never recovered .- from his illness and died in St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, 3; on January 25th, 1919, at the age of sixty-four. This large '=; Anglican Booth family have now disappeared almost entirely, .:. from their original UE. L. settlement, like so many other old . Ontario families, in all sections, whose excellent records should, be preserved. nad K ES (<Q in _Lo-2J { 3 pri Find a Clay, Cline t Stons-