scC.-" association of Ontario Land Surveyors nm pl25 ve tal JOHN KIRBY BOOTH , don of Bcajumin Rooth TI7C b I5.3.1I82I _raestown,Cntario 3 16 ¢ Cutheriae Dovlaad 1788-1838 Lived at Caessa 3then about I273 moved to Sydenham where he aad bros operated mills. , Rurried d I191I2c Nebraska, U.S. buried may LIMA BLAGG ,dau of b ,--agland d Jydenham ,0nturio buried oydenham- children born dicd | I Donald Fred |nustralia 2 | ~~ |Rochester ,B.} | 3 Charles Edward otuart 28.5.1855 25.11.1919 I I ~ |Hamilton €Ly|2 lL George R 5 Beatrice 1.thel | Hamilton | 6 Helen Alexandra ~ | Nebraska - ov = --- Tom sl atm ~~ Starr Rockwell Jessie Grace Greaves 1892 in Virgini: ~d. Gcrtrude Hogle.. > Dvr Douglus Storms (Humiltoo ) Rev G.L. Freebern --7