In the early l900s Skipness had a baseball team. Some of the players were the Chambers brothers, Joseph, Albert, and William, and the Davidson brothers, James and John, as well as Dan McDougal and others. There was also a soccer team about the same time. In 1924 or 1925, Skipness again organized a ball team, which continued for some years, Webber Blue was the first pitcher and Harvey Beirnes the catcher. Other players were Henry (Doc) Carson and his brother Peter, the Davidson brothers Mel and Alpine, Wilfred Chambers, Bill Beirnes, Dave Hunt, Maurice Matheson, Skipness Community enjoyed a Farm Forum. Robert Byers, who moved to the community in 1946, was interested in organizing a group so in the fall of 1947 he invited his neighours in one evening and a Farm Forum was organized. Bob was the first chairman with Mona (Mrs. Melvin) Davidson as the first secretary. The meetings were held from home to home each week. Bob remembered that the neighbours came in sleigh loads and if a team and sleigh were coming from the north or the south, the neighbours were picked up along the way. After the discussions, the rest of the evening was spent in playing games; lunch was always served and a real social time was enjoyed. National Radio Farm Forum began in November 1939 as ajoint project in adult education by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture and the CBC in co-operation with privately owned radio stations of the National Broadcasting System. By the early 1940s thousands of Farm Forums had sprung up all across Canada. Both radio stations, CKNX and CFOS, carried the broadcasts. By the 1960s interest and activity dwindled and the national broadcast ended. Farm Forum Sports and Recreation in Skipness (by Archie Blue) ":3 _ Erb, "a" eo u ~- C.. may ABNM" ""15 4'" Pot. wMLEW" " _ _ yam: frt,j'hu'th'i Donna Blue Esau EL ("a ewe omnm-Leo FEB. l t _ um Gamma Cunmaems - was 'ttidt,0,t,1t'sto'h25us mes. DcNNR awe. $EC-TKEA9- Joyce CHRVABE as Aeesstust'ocTFe, tttst means»). OT "at iiiifigiris. DACLW-NE magnum. =rtltretq cannot, SMILEY BLDE AND P Mucus th T 0460" In the winter Skipness had other amusements. Every Friday night there would be a dance and card party at a different farm house. Also they had skating parties at Gould Lake, Every winter one of the boys of the community would take a team and sleigh and gather all the young people along the way, and go to the French Bay Indian Reserve Christmas Concert. We enjoyed it very much, and the Indian people gave us a real welcome. There were also sleigh and toboggan parties on what was known as Caudle's hill; these too were much enjoyed. and Louis Hammond. As the boys grew up, othersjoined the team. Skiphess also had a girls' team. liryftt'Nir73tfi, s,,t,,i:,t,e:r,Ira,: .H CLUB )/Fey