swP ness YNI--1lD received. She was a joy to visit with, always a cheerful Mary Blue (1876'1980) countenance. Mrs. Duncan Blue nee:Mary Webber was our grand ' ( k > M s ady of Skipness. . -- ¢ L. h h ca ) o. Grandma Blue, as she was fondly known to all her s t e ger friends, made her home at Gateway Haven e Te P _ * -, ' : + + * h us ie, Wiarton, for the last ten years of her life. She died !é «* ¢ . 9 a : November 26, 1980; a month and three days before lgl * ; * $ __> _ O4th birthday. s s B e [ essm | j ' * B N v 7 i f GShe was born in Walkerton. Her parents were t M 8 :_ .A . a s A o . §8"'z'fi\d Jane Webber of Tavistock. She was one of a nak o %% Fee £ : -- "oh P 0 00 ) k ly of ten children and was fourteen when the family ' 4 i 2e .' zd to Amabel. They made their home on ' % _ _ air fession 8 just east of the Fifteenth Sideroad of P L _ 26 e s / bel where Jim Currie later lived. ' t -- ie . * is --~ io 3 She and her husband, Duncan Blue, raised a family a 4 S9z-- J«g" e . bbchildren. § . %. ." «iY c--al + a | i oc tnsls t Mrs. Blue attributed her long and healthy life to hard s SX "'\ *3 %:j \'.'."étt 303 years of age she said, "No girl ever worked ¢ 4 § 2r, but work never hurt anyone." gg ; x 4 4 ts 4 -- 3 / s 4 "% & c§he Y2 sixty--five years old when she first visited a _ f rty * C + + § hedc ie S9It wasn't until she was ninety--five years old that _ ponl y _ was hospitalized for the first time, and for eye 8 ,«' f\' A , 4 gufl hit'y w % T h Mn wey. surcery oc ues orominnd" . s i ul adlises * e es hm ~------> / . She had a sincere interest in people and she would Wflw('% 4 you that children weren't any better than when she ue esb es in * .. Oriiins au\ ts .. j | young, and added "they aren't any worse either." Mary Blue on her 100th birthday Although her eyesight failed her in later years, she f had a keen mind and a sense of humour and enjoyed , 7// , a niseing. ceminlscing: i( \@ & u& se Thoait [ --YS L . . s . (ass :;\\\\\' 6 iA & . She always enjoyed her later special birthday parties i y 3'9.:'/{,,/ Km' & i + S \TaP ) WAD MWt all her family, especially her great--grandchildren. %\\" \ii"'fi °. P & .77 F cly Aive enjoyed people and all the greeting cards she 7 R * stt nmmeminmmanennnene ut an mmpmaccoremmnnribnmmrcemnnmenmnchnecra porthnmmmnmnnensinnsssnnremntesmerncmmensmmmsinmensrimethimmeepi h i e aeaime + oroae -- pmenoumoun ~~"--me pooplecyt uie d e l¥ Hb l B ila ioi ie n nitiatitios 3. . ns uc P30 4n mc Pniacpnctiats n PWR o o se es trria iirer o e ie "al .. Pechnnasieite l iaieacaiaiiniaiWiratanmetiiisenain. . SWAE s m o e w e ie oudeni % P t . o un i ME :v"fif"'v'""fl""\ % M: evn L l ppetacr icb h ',% , :225/12:%2 :".w; x)"(\§ "f'";* ,,v' V'\i -4&1 )'3' en o i n 4 n t 4 § ;:*Q'f gs;%% &# "**' ds t ..s )3 .. Q Ne 0 M 0J C mte. _ use Mlaild L 800 0 o s e tey o_ Lt t t C PWc o ces Q«"fi%f % :VM:" i We .0. ae @%4" _ _ d Sstie L l .g e _ e e e 4 6 w 2 xocs 5 2l . m 0 .. a" 9 .30 7 -- 8y ho y Cw & % 8 C _ _ _ tmabch ol _ _ 13 %'@" m t 1 % 3 a M i lon 2 m ) m% . $ g; »'i'f" } + e E F a e * . _ will $ t :§" walt 4 § v~"'°' 1% 1A w o) e & | . ols wwals. 6. : o 5 . d as wis / * e PPA se | ',' { { n dn _' e £ \,, M%@m«@"%@ Nemuin mn i o ie . To o | o l t e t w' 0 l uc l t o c e v Quncan and Mary Blue's pioneer home on Lot 21, Concession C about 1908 (Dmncan, Webber, Grandma Blue, Phemia, Mary with Archie, Verna, Aunt Maggie McMillan and her daughter Maggie McKay