N L e e ) Skipness Presbyterian Church The Skipness Church was built in 1884 and the short time. Other ministers supplying the pulpit Presbyterians and Methodists used the same building, Rev. Mr. Mills of Wiarton, Rev. Mr. MacAvoy each having their own minister and separate services. Chesley, Rev. Mr. Reith of Tara and Rev. Mr. Nichd The Presbyterians bought the land from Mr. Soutl?ampton. For a few years services were condi Smithen and Sarah Hand for fifteen dollars; and an' only in the summer months. agreement was written April 18, 1888. The trustees were: The church property is now owned by Alvin David Porter, Malcolm MacDonald and David Morton. gu*+who bought it in 1944. A few years after this, the ch The first organist was Miss Annie Chambers, the was gutted. Some church pews went to Hepw late Mrs. Hamilton Kain. Miss Ethel George, the late we«\Second Presbyterian Church, erected after Ch Mrs. Robert Elliott, was also organist for many years. cw*"Union. Some seats, flooring and some windows we . 2L w« Stokes Bay to be used in a church. The first minister was Rev. Mr. Moore who came from Allenford. He was followed by Rev. Mr. Mowatt For many years the church stood as a skeleton. Hav and Rev. Mr. Boyle. stored in it and Russell Gibbons packed ice in Skipness Church then joined Grey Presbytery and summer trade for several years. the minister came from Hepworth or Shallow Lake. In 1974 Maurice Hammond tore it down to g These included Rev. Mr. Wallace Johnson, 1_913-1919, joists and dry timbers. All that is still to be seen as and Rev.Mr. Wm. J. Patton from 1919 until Church old cemetery steps and rubble. The cement: Union in 1925. we'church shed that was built after the frame shed still : Later the Presbyterians re--opened the church and on the property. A steel roof was put on it and Alvin services were held until 1934. Following Church Union b=uses it for storage. Several cottagers from Goul Rev. Mr. Boyle of Southampton conducted services for a store their boats in it. Lt oPaed 0. _ ; C & . L . [ [*; . . 3.... w .. °... Pioneer Memories i'?'f iD 3 W',,i'ffgfjifi}" Many happy times were enjoyed at the Skipness P w ' qgg'ggi;'g';fig@ Mrs. Oliver Stewart (nee Reta Hunt) remembers F (1 n";,@*%:i{&'f" that Miss Maggle McDougal always made the tea and 2 f,N,!gg'"" ,e; Mr. Alex Cunningham of Hepworth always had a booth. ififggg@ _ _( _ A concert was held in the evening with local talent. ic S % M:f'%if;{ 3;.;,%% Sunday School picnics were held over at Gould Lake s ' '}%%"'fzy*i%:' P down from the bend in the road in a grove of trees beside )' 2{,?:,,' {? Mrs. Stewart also remembers vividly a very sad day %sg*"""z 9 at a Skipness garden party. On the afternoon of June 17, ?Awb ; 1912, Mrs. William Forbes (nee Sarat} McFarlane), %%%fifié;ff% daughter of the late Joseph and Jane ( White) McFarlane %g{%fi?fi "1 » of Zioq Arpabcl, was sitting on a plank seat visiting with %:¢ ~ e the ladies just before the supper. She fell backwards off [ _ B the seat and died of a heart attack at the age of fifty--four. gfi%?%%g; Mrs. Stewart says everything stopped at the garden : za@ # party and people went home. Mrs. Forbes's two & %@«% 4 daughters, May and Della, were at the garden party and %%%%%; k. . many remember two broken--hearted girls sobbing all the fif'%'?f':@? t wav home in the democrat from the church. Rev. and Mrs. Moore, first resident minister