F see) l:n . _ , taq MiaEit%l Ci Fuse 4A, The Baron TIM. Wedrtesthty,Janoiry 30, 1985 , . r " Rlll 'NWit, "if.tst ' -- --" "ee ». T ", 3 " - " "MR' l, EC-IAQ .1»... , _ ' .4 " " 'ig bi' rue, .1 we ' 2-... 'l' o ' " C, IL 'ate iv - '1' . ., ' _ . K " FW1* . " . P', u: _ . A"f . ' - _ f l q Wfh'c',.r'r1Mu' . I " Ir' 'fIMB2 ..' . % . I 4 . f" ' . 'este " v ' - - .3 " my." in; . , F tt t, " _ v. :2» u -w "'_s' ' - , 1,r' - C ' " .t.' f' 4242.4 ' G A, = ' t " - _ ' 'q,s, if r . KtiTr l F "$2 q Pc' it. . " ' - ' ' "w tsp, . "5': ' 1'1l a 329% //'c'f'i.,i, " ' ' ill, li _ list:" K F,, '2 "i.? I ' i2? 4') " l v' ' ' ' ' F" l '3' $2 'l 224.31., 83.2; 's,", , . , - - ' . r ty,' t; F A': - a. 'it., . ". _ . F - ' "" . Ttil JN ,'r;--_ V. 4'23. . '.., Illllill - I Ek tt - " "' " is" V 5. ' ' = ' . , 2% Ta - ' R . i:' I, f Bree new» ' N ' ' ' . wr u r.rt , R . " 'T, ' "t - , - 'MIIB " " " 2'. rl " . i . . EIB. , C III "' I Nit) ' i. t I ' _.. . rr '/ tk , " IN1Mlq - (hiilt "T" q b' . _ _' cr,", 1tMlgltNlliMiE fllfiw'w' - . . i '1'; 4 - Ilr, "ll - [2 '. , I h' . r 4 r , I Te . - ', l .t' MRW1W'sa, " , ' Woodrow (Woody) Muir has been chosen overwhelmingly by the people of I Port Elgin as the 1985 Citizen of the Year. Lions Club member Brian Eastwood Very Worshipful Brother Art Miller, who was Worshipful Master of Port Elgin presented Woody with a plaque last week to commemorate this honour. A Lodge No.49 in 1934, was honoured for having been 50 years as Past Master. Rt. resident of Port Elgin since 1920, Woody has helped in numerous community War. Bros. Lindsay Thornbum, who was initiated by Very Wor. Bro. Miller in projects, including the Bluewater School. The award is given out annually by the 1934 lavoured the lodge with his reminiscence from this period. Above, Mr. . . -' . Port El 1tt Lions Club. . a , d / c, .3 Mlller ls ftoked by Lindsay Thornburn and Worshipful Master of Port Elgin g 'f1e11l'.u...-..f?eti'/.f1ffe--., Lodge, Barrie Robson, during a 50-year pin award presentation. . . P . ~ - ' if?" 'gl 7 54¢"; , l _ :27 MMgll . _ T: ami, , . . " ' 53.27233: 'vii/g '2/ '%& f ' a}: 2 spas, Rt , t 's, N d Cr?i4?"ir,iy 's , .. . Tr ' ' TK; " 'EF, .2 iitissN 1,71,2/'31. = , Bifgarfgf. 'city, 'U", j - ' 'Cir! ly, '2. .,,.; 3 ",5". " . IE? .2 R tw, lik' - iBWii iE;ssiii'i'i"cl, Kia. . F,rtif,F':, "f' Mtg, _ tit My -we a RP6 'i' . _ " " Ff 'a it ' " " " Bltar8 - & I '26 a i"aiTiiii)i)il E 3,} " :2" F 'sr., "td t - . Fs, - a , if . - . M'I'WIM' . "9'11 9W1", 4. (s" fl: : . I . 2* . ' A' ' Fl If. , 2 = " , . Bt, 'ffm. if'i'si,)rd '8Eiai' liitt "'c"iTrs, i; , " ', . r 3 t ' , 'lr IE i&?r,7 ,, '.. y " . , 2.1., 424- "W2.mw 1llttite. _ tiii' _ " "2. ' 'rr. .' _ .., 'lNiEat . ' 2 ' Lg i _., Bit . "K21'5?'jscirij? C, vifir'fe'i'::f1jvC,,rvii1cc') iycr, _ . Y' all éé§9§zfl a . " N . _ , I ' ' II , - PV " tr 3332523542 " , 724.4 ' - '.r,ejj, ' . q _ l . V 2 . Rg r,'G'iiii iiam I .2... 9.2222212" ...-, MI' . 1212747, Fg)'s?ijjfffjiir . . ' wT* ', 'svi-i' , in: rrt'rt'5uy. 4'." - - E . . ©llmliN _ , Itiith"c'fgrsfrfiii;) ', lt; ' trr" ' .42 " " , . ' B .. t. Eiarr,, 'ii'i'i2 "ji'i'tst'S'lk5. '8M 22222. allllN" u - ., . » a?" 'I I 24/2/43" 2 ' . Illlltiiiiiiilit6titijiltfi'i "42:2... 2.1;" . l . . _ " " Ejr'itj'iiffsfieteia " , tMINE "Woe-3.9.7:; e MB - ., ' Tq . _ - _ . . U? Mort/,4" - o.- '3..~1:".'4~. " Ilia - 2 " - L%iNiiE , , " ' _ ' ' - ' - ' f; " ir% . _ Ittatt' 'SF& , ql " _ MM aV . . . 'i- . - 'mm. . . » . {4,213. MI . . . " "iR8% MN _. Sun Times photo by Will Schwichtenlrerg figj'ii1iiiir,fl,'iMl ' : , 'la Ilt'EaNlgll 3 . C v M an... » - - miss-Mk. . 2 LOCAL HELP COMING --Re, lent. Volunteers packed donations Sunday Hugh Wright watches as Mrs. M Kelly takes his sponse in Port Elgin to a request from the lo, and Peter Little Sn, who organized the offort, blood pressure as art ofN w. l . ' . 1 . Ff l . . . _ ' dri h h' t Gr d V ll . . P urses eeklastThursday ca rmittsteritt society or c othing and linens was to rive t e suppl1es 30 la" a ey night The nurses had "in! i for Grand Valley tornado victims was excel- this morning. eesr., 2" . , ormat on booth and were . M, . 2 _ 2- _ 2 'r., TF ' Fr' 2 Ily Jk-ro . v: _ ' . taking the public s blood pressure at no charge in the lobby, outside of Zehrs, as [art of the ' week s ac- tivities. 2ry 'er / 7 8it