-- e Y |-- 2 1967 wWOMEN!'S INSTITUTE OF CANADA 70th Birthday -- February 19th PAISLEY WOMEN!'S INSTITUTE Has been formed for 66 years and for a Centennial & prOJect.ls starting a Tweedsmuir book, to continue the collecting of the interesting highlights of our village of Paisley. The past important events will be found in a Scrap Book of the Paisley W.1I. from 1948 to 1966. Mrs, Gillies Parker Tweedsmuir Curator from 1948 to 1957 when Mrs, Wm. Archer was appointed Curator to 1966. The Paisley Branch of the Women's Institute is carrying on the traditions and pattern that the members adhered to at all times since organiszation Jan. 1901. The spirit of the early settlers and former members of Womens Institute of Paisley Branch has showed a gratifying interest for Home and Country which is the Institute Motto. The Branch has kept alive the work performed by its past officers and members / AN _ INSTITUTE POEM Paisley the birthplace of our Institute There's a tale that we must tell Now for sixty--six long years Served Home and Country well. Newcomers to our meetings found A welcome warm and true, And often from these casual starts A lifelong friendship grew. The Tweedsmuir Book the record stays Of pioneer days around us Ofolder men, their words and ways And how they still affect us, We entertained our sister groups Were entertained in teturn , And from the pietures, and experiences We found we still can learn. And now our Institute will find That in the coming days , Both home and country can be served In ever widening ways. This peem copied from an Institute book changes made to suit out Paisley Branch W.L.