V l . l O -b,.. OCTOBER Oct 2nd and 3rd Paisley W.I. members were given the opportunity to attend a Short Course in Needlecraft in Bradley school, Greenock Twp. Oct 16th and 17th a senior training school on Hat making was very much enjoyed for all those who wished for a new bonnet. Oct 19th - The Rally was in St. Andrews United Church in Ripley, the delegates brought back a report of a splendid meeting. [ a A bus trip sponsored by the Eden Grove W.I. included ". the Paisley W.I. members who wished to go for an enjoyable outing. The Grey-Bruce Area Convention was held in Markdale which our delegates enjoyed Very much. NOVEMBER Nov. lst - A Pot Luck supper for W.I. members and Friend _ was enjoyed in the Community Centre followed with euchre and crokinole and checkers. Nove 18th -- AH Girls Club Acheivement Day in Walkerton Public School. Nov. 28th - A summary day in Paisley Town Hall at 2P.M. Dipplay of Bonnets. Nov. 30th - The W.I. members of' Paisley were invited by the Pinkerton W.I. for a bus trip to Toronto to visit Casa Loma and Yorkdale Shopping Centre. DECEMBER Mr. Stuart Forrester showed pictures of Expo 67. The roll call was answered by each member donated a Christmas Card, these cards were sent to the sick and shut-ins in the village. The current events are always given and put in a book for the future. The meetings close with singing The Queen and Grace, with a social half) hour enjoying, lunch which the committee in charge has prepared. ANNUALLY The convenor and her assistants of' the Well Baby Clinic helps the Health Doctor and Nurse each month at their duties. The W.I. members are asked yearly by the Business Men of the Village to fill candy bags for Santa to distribute to the boys and girls of the Village and Community. This completes the W.I. monthly meetings in Canadata Ad Centennial Year for Home and County. Taken from Paisley W.I. Minute Book.