N4 ' = 3w JUNE TEwseedsmuir Serap Book on display in the L.O0.0.F. hall at the Centennial Library Ceremony on June 17th. Mr. Ren Bell, Paisley showed beautiful slides at the Centenialllibrary , of the Canadian West as well as local pictures. 3 JUuLY No meeting but had a Picnic in Willow Creek Park , each member brought an item for the program, a delicious picnic lunch was enjoyed by all. AUGUST No meeting but the Paisley branch were appointed bo be hostess at the Log Cabin Southampton , on Aug. 17th , ) three members attended. SEPTEMBER The branch put a display in out loosl fall fair. The local W.I.'s had been in turn alphabetically planning the Institutes displays for the fAap, it so happened that 1967 was Paisley's W.lI.'s turn to plan it , so being Canada's Centennial year, this display was somewhat different to other years. ';' 5& 3 ' .\\); \ 7 } E I g \U «3 V j % &3 b Ad,~ Qh,'; y i N¥A iz U Y6 Flowers emblematic of the provinces and territories within the Centennial symbol -- Liquid embroidery on broadcloth, | 1 > j e e ioi