' x C MR e ;,3;7& i g E. MAHON PASSES ATNS:QS prime moving spirit and its DTR":"'Z:"fi y PSB': o [ O _ AFTER 5'"--""' yee-- 9 «y \ genius, the Bruce Hpnx;c?xx!ln%"::gust MISS GEORGINA McBEA e 5s y on j 7 26 K a # magnificently in July a (vk st highly ' \ Prime Mover !ué%e'z"' érgaftz 0'?{948 ind thousands of old boys 3'}:d One of the community's m"»f his " | BX || For is pruce Lounty Home:--com-- | 7. is were thrilled and delighted by the l('s:«-uuw(! residents, Miss -- Georgina s -- $ x in \Foor ~Health for _ | SUS 7 ome back to tne county . opoeneanrare idnss : mg Had Been is opportunity to C "home." MeBeath, passed mvay 0 e -- Months.--Native of Eldetslie : 1 prouwy . called : 6 [ 4 f sine home in Pinkerton. § Several Mo WehKnown . | which they splishments \this re-- | the Lippert norsing home it T Neg m 'township Had Become Wel Among his accm"[;h finest, and the {In her. 90th year, 'Miss ;\lclh-:nQ w 4 e es se s o. c Had ';fi r:hc'urs 'will scrve' [been in failing health for sr\'c!'n'l ."'ML.\'I:" f~ Charles Edwin Mahon, well--known -- | memories off 't'sé)?::gx)t:'orifll o Ed AMxt . Miss MeBeath \\\:lls aTt}:nu,;':m'H . & harles E : f ittin o [the lato Afr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc ; : most 4 PMiblee | late Mr. anc fa J Imative of Eldersiie . Township and :ir:--a naniet cvcrybt?d) 'm\)ul, A;:n: J;'}'p"x(h L"VI'O were" ploneer settiers 1 former resident of Paisley, died on §ov. la man who carried deep in 2. )L:u ,of Eldersite Township. She was b"'j", ts \ ' f L30th, in the General Hospital, Van-- Eoreat love f0F tris native. county the family homestead, 2nd con. !'.I(.:,:p ' & 'COIWY'-T B. C. He was 79 years .Old' [ Bruce. jslie, and ds a girl attended S. S. ?S ' | Known to a host of fife--long friends, _ Loo enans |2 (Manley's) school. . As a younk '"M & i C as well as to hundreds of other persons F |man she became a practical "':'.'-".Cl'.t i"; . s dsr'g whom he had become acquainted. laiter the family removed to 1;11» 1L~" ; > iz::--riug the 1948 Bruce County Home-- 1913, was ergaged in that work n,'?].(;ztll e "o.ming Ed Mahon was the man whto. --______ «_ ______________._ continuously until. she retired 5'1")'1_ . Ts fargely responsiine for 'the n ay: MRS. D. J. STANDING years ago. Of a very k:;:'ll\;)':l'(n\]d T | of "t history--making . re--union o 4 tient nature, Miss McBea s 'of that y f ; ; gi;\,cc old boys and girls. Born on a The community was--again saddened many friends throumhout the 'rd';}"r':g \farm on the Elora Road north in 1871, to learn of the passing on Tuesday not only by her activities as e enss n - i« & the late Mr. and Mrs. Win. § it 19th, of Mrs. David _ |but by her soodness of heart as a l e son o d school in this . | morning, April + As: ; neighbor and citizen,. For many years § e ¢ 1Cc s lgo'slcy and J. Standing, at her home on Victoria h;"as an active member of the ]ucal\ P c er in Paisley, > * s as a : : th ; 5 "':(','xe ff;:mfm?l'gy;' with, Claxton & --| Street south. Very well--known cand | )j j,cn of the Women's Ilh""'_'f{ 'l'l:'c' j 4 A Pm td fsith E-- ! Ballachey in their general store here, highly respected in Paisley and district, she was ac"'hgn;'m":i"eml:)lkr:\lncg Union ' i V : i /omen' stian C i IPAs a young man he went W est._al'd Mrs, Standing. had been in failing W on.c.xlx:s ncmhur ehox Presby. \Ewas at dirst located in Spokane, Wash. deaith for mndresthamabyeantand ue Shg "'Is(jl?ur?h and was a charter f 7 ver, f fe erian urch, J¥ " j About 1907, fls move? to" \h?nc;"t;:e.' liag the past several. weens had been :ncmbcr of the Women!s Missionary d es k .. un:l 'n]stiwe reat _ |contined to beu at ner home. .. Society of the church, . Following gpment in 19?0, Rte eng[i!(':inesls In 1913 Mrs. Standing was a daugliter »(l'f union in 1923, she became a member of 3 j estate and insurance bu .nc".as ie the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B'f.' Knos United: Church. an(!. was '1'1afle a '.;lhe was elected to city. cou in that cap-- lachey, who were among the early resi-- [life member of the W.M.S. a fc"' )ear_i 4 s a.nd gecves \,ancoluver 'h was ap-- dents of this communty. da l')_l() she ago. She'was a most energetic \vorkc} | faeily for foun years. ~'a-lc;ere a "posi-- was married to David J. Standing of on behalf of her church, and Ul'i'lll : l,pountcd police commissio: .1935 on Burford, and only five years 1?.lcr hc_r fealtis: iAterfered. was a most regular & | 'tion he held from 1930 lto N8 'f (ne husband passed away,. leaving . his attendant at its services. 6/ : jnthu.smst;lce bz';i,:{ ff:: :n]:nym?-'e;s O:L widow to raise their two cllilc{re{'<]_ A Miss _M('Banfh's 'L])RSS!r'i]:ifi]]? t'}lli l\::'\(sll f t::'i;:::-'d of sTracle and hospital board. . |short time flfter;l\/'fl{fj Vx]l;sr.e Z:"l'('e';?; kir;\;.li":;'\n]:?c ;\al:ilstverz\ ilarham) TJcs . He was an active churchman and was went to Buftalo: s her, George Piane 1:'1 in July, 1930,-- and. a i f p o wonk Methodist house for her widower brother, Georg Cranston, . died ts Do % | _ fa member of Mt' P'\easa.nt e 5 T. Ballachey and his infant daughter. brother, James, passed away in * 2 ( Church until 'enion, when he J:';"ed tj"; F;;llowin" 'the --death of her step-- cember, 1950. ea A 3 : i Memoria 6 ; tez r i rvived y on | peongregation °f_ (,anad_mnb 4. He mother here, Mrs. Standing returned to 4;\[:5_, '\uBcflth 'ISiS)ll ( arks onfi . 3 Church and served on its (:Jar a w the villaes with her children, aad for sister and two buljllulrs. \} I: t sg served on the Presbytery and confer-- se vitare 1 house for her father, arine McBeath and John CE ence board of the United Church of *x )}arsk.nEP:l re<i':icnce on Victoria -- home, and Thomas MeBeath of Eld Canada, and in, recellt years was one on inveanaey has since remain-- erslie Township, s 4 ut fas uin thatee of \the St., where the family has since a 'the' faneral) was-- held-- on Saturday, 6 'h:se "}.'0 x\fasdm 0 'if ifg ior jed. She is survived by one son, Fred ,""' v_r\icc' & Emke & Son funcral chrrch »pension fund. . One -- -- : M ons wvithnsetvices 3 s E _ izers, Mr. Mahon was president for C._ Standing of Toronf_o.' oau? home, conducted by ther pastor, Rev. [ (heie yea r'f the Bruce Old Boys and se e o Pocoge, Mlsel" H. C. Linstéad of Knox United Church. many years of the teralse ..C. Tats f . f |Git's Association and.a former treas® er 8f Loudon.. Tyo othcs e,vy Interment was in Paisley Cemetery. urmrs of the Pioneers' Association living: George T. of Bu{;alol. 435 Casket--bearers were Messrs. Alex Mc-- € / aisley. c p He is survived by his wife, the former and S. Frank Ballacheyof Paik ui 4 Beath, James and {Vorman Lamont, [ ((® H'e lsS;t ele, at home, 1565 West A life--long member of the Analicar Baxid. and Cecll Keith. andaNormim F ellie. Steele, h 9. ing has been one . [ Rprmeath St.. three sons, Wittiam S, . | Church, Mrs. Stonding lins been oOfte -- (yylge,. ; ho attend 5. 4 d S d ~Norman C., all--of of the most conscientious uks Friends from a distance who attend. : 3 Harold S., and Norma Ar kers i1 every church org@tnization, i the service were Mrs, Wm. Dryden eRrereate alko fiires Sughters: M+s :otnegrsgi:en years of deveted service Z(i G\ueclneh Mr.rand Mrs: David Allen -- i D. A.. MacDonald, "West Vancouver ; avi A T CBecl and f > I R. " Heranget Mrs, Hugh Adair, Vancowver, and Mrs. to 311& ';;Ir':;f;c ll]\)zail;:n;!ayufswmd; h ;?22(;1}:;;3: and _ Mrs.) R, ' | George L. Cornwall of Toronto. Two ":1211 seerved s presidenm (for alnnmber -- se fls hn Sisters are" also. Svings Mes: Exi MC_ lof years. She was also keenly interest-- 2 Duffee of Port Elgin and Mrs. Millie elze th. work of fhe ANamerts Ingis. % s ® : OO (Swigert of Vancouver, There are 11 ::t *3 an(ei Mad been esd 68 fis tith--dre as j e. 3 grand':hl,ldn.n'. ]J"' Rissisge! Aiaislss. local branch, as well as president of is a brother--in--law, .99 m 15 | The . funeral wfas held on Dec. 2nd, . | the North Bru&es Dls{;.rm II"(';"':";: 0[1: ( ( # o : : ar time, Mrs, Standing had bei 4 |_ |with services at Canadian Memorial w i9e workere Ih fhre Toost [ |Church, conducted. by (Rev. G. B. of the most active .w y nan aiso s h ( F ; . 'Red Cross affiliate. . She was als & |Switzer, assisted by Rev. R. W. Hardy : Sopiets S s is | director of the Agticultural: Society, + 6 _ jand Rev, W. B. Willan.~ Interment } yAmastce -- Oter + t | |was in Mountain View 'Cemetery, The |3"d wasl s::civw ?nterest in dam=day 2 casket 'bearers ~were Messrs. G. E. mkeniz::t}io: £ . ~ organ f Fu : R C. Szeoe"e. s SE 5 April Zist, with services ;l(t Crhl:;'Ch_Of esd c# ce the Ascension, at 12 o'clock. -- Followiig ue It fas in the fam.of 1946 that there the service, the cortege--will proceed to e Iwas the first_mention. of a .probable Prrfgea fér Piterment. & . y old Boys--mad--girB re--tnion for Paisley, HAP NC 3 L4 s 8 Then_ Ed Mahon wrote to The Advo-- f 7 / 1 catem--expressing--apinion that a county. f 'widq re--union would be a grand thing + / iu' it could be organized. . He visualized 2 / # special CNR train bringing hundreds : !'rnm the Coast and the West back to 5 / [ pBrece,.and the more he thought of the Whiden,. the betrer it looked. _ Through f aThe Advocate he presented his--propo-- j P Cal to tlie .folles in Bruce and the old ' 12 'boys. in the West, and within' a year /' -- J Cthad developed from a mere idea. into [ 5 in actia'ity. With Ed Makhon as dts > ; 7