Oliphant news (by Mrs. James Hyatt) him a speedy recovery. Con- W.I. MEET gratulations to Mrs. Kemp on Mrs. George Trafelet grac- her recent birthday. She was a iously welcomed her guests dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. when the Women's Institute Bert Neale. Many happy an- met at her home for their niversaries Margaret. January Testing. -Brrr it's 'cold this Monday Mrs. G. Trafelet presided. morning, 27 below zero F. At Mrs. Wesley Clemens acted as least it's not snowing. secretary in the absence of Mrs. Allan' Kemp, secretary. . . The roll call "How I may best WI 3 r = stretch my dollar in buying of . food stuffs" was well respond- _ ed to. " was decided to arrange for various materials to use in the making of articles for our bazaar. Members were acquainted of their caretaking _ duties of their time to tidy up at the Hall. Mrs. Wallace Arnold gave an excellent paper on Family and Consumer Affairs. Scrip- ture reading by Thelma Trafe- _ let. _ The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Harry Hase on February 4th at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses Mrs. Bert Neale and Mrs. Wm. Moore served tasty refreshments. i -Mr. Allan Kemp is presently a patient in the General and i Marine Hospital, Owen Sound. - He will likely be home this ' week. His friends here wish