N ls- Li Rebekah Ngws' as!) a il I u '; The new officers of Unity t t Rebekah Lodge No. 147 Wiarton . mere installed on October 17 for e coming year by District r . ames H ail) Arnold, Edith Arnold, Nancy fl,",,'"']) xrzstigeng lslay NDavizds- oLM'ht) f rt,',,",,',',")) aywrought Prezio and Ber.tha, Hyatt and was and her staff n istrict o. iron arch with the name y our very well received. t I The new itti N G cemetery "Balsam Grove was The roll cailwwas ' currend Irene Presto warsG '% . l q presented by Mrs. Iona Dobbs, event of World ide Af airs an lsbester RSnAd Tiii inngtsa Mrs. Wilda Symon, Mrs. Eiiz- was well responded to a er Lillian Iiiiii, II a Teacock,| . . abeth O'Rourke and|Mrs. Thos which Mrs. Moo.re had a contesf , Nelson tlt','); Leas. Krene "Mac" Hutchinson in memory pertaining prominent f'gvurt'd', Conductor Milrdreerd P a" at? i of their parents the Mr. and man t)1 was await yA his Guard Pearl Wai Ia 1."1'1 d . Mrs. Thos. Hutchinson both of Oliver hite an rs. re e Doris Stewart gel')' ." Hui" whom were born m olippnt: " Given. ti b Stet R S N'G apt?" Ce?" makes a very impressive en- The December mee ng deggs L I"; G . . M. . e y ralg, trance and compliments. the of candy, etc. WIN be packs o Fits-Nie- L uriel Pruder, gates which were previously help Santa distribute one to J. . 'r.' aura Hill, L.S.N.G. . donated by Mrs. John Buchanan community children at the ', I:asquehne Graig. J.P.N.G. Jean , _ Sr. Community Christmas Concert. Cries, Musician Mae Carson, .' -On Friday night Mrs. W. Moore Come on folks get busy with a Roior Bearer Je.a.n, Robrnsonr, I and Mrs. Hyatt visited with Mr. number for the program. A uth Della Davidson, Naomi ,- and Mrs. Lloyd Loney to present social time was enjoyed over the Eisner tFrLes. . ' them with a gift of money on tea cups. , Cams: a t e samelmeetlgg Mae I behalf of friends and neighbours . "r1_W-'s membnr :33 wa 91""? i/ltd' to help them celebrate their 25th LCOMES L d T, IP o f "'fy ebea wedding anniversary. Mr. and OLIPHANT W,1, WE 'd ge Y trans er rom Skuna Mrs. Loney were Royally Enter- THREE NEW MEMBERS alley, Rebekah Lodge, Terrace, tained the previous weekend by The December meeting of the B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Good and a women's Institute was held at A cheque was presented at host of friends who decided a Mrs. Clayton Davidson's with a the annual High School Com- trip to some sunny Isle would be good attendance with Mrs,Wa- giancement to Sandra White, a fine way for their 25th. vidson and Mrs. Pruder as hos- faquhter of Mrs.'Frances White However, the community folks tesses. Mrs. Trafelet presided. 0 epworth. This was present- wished to add something to In the absence of Mrs. Moore, ed by J83" Fries P.N.G. and KI mark their happy event, both secretary, the minutes, corres- Steer??? tg,uty l, an out- I Lloyd and Jen. though quite pondence and Thank You'notes is furlthg Quit: ' if" ty.It who taken by surprise ttis.hel to were read by Mrs. Davrdson. R at?" d " e ucation. thank everyone for their kind- It was decided to glve, donations a 1ee,'nr?Joll,r)'t ":Sdmidetgn ness to make their 25th such a to Can Save and to CARE. We late Priscilla 1/j1d?S"lil, ya 3 happy occaslon. are pleased to Welcome Mrs. donated to the lad e b h" -We are sorry some of oy, Dorothy Telford, Mrs. Fronts, husband The luck grimey Wer youngsters Paul Lihou and Davnd and Mrs. Bev. Patterson as new Mad e Fait y r Askin have been ill with Virus members. Carol Singing was en- g erstm. pneumonia but by now almost [ joyed after which the ladies fil- well again. This virus seems to led around seventy bags of l (by Mrs. James Hyatt) be going around. goodies to be given to the child- 's, W.l. MEET _ ren at the Christmas concert. \OLIPHANT - The annual meel- W.l. MEET. The meeting closed with the Na- ing of the Women's Institute The 1,em,b.,e,,r,./',1,etie of the tional Anthem and a tasty lunch was held in the Women's Women s institute was well was served by the hostesses. Institute Community Hall for the attended W.'t.h. sixteen members CONCERT HELD April meeting with an atten- and two visiting branches. We The annual Christmas concert dance of thirteen. were ptatef to welcome eleven was held in the community hall Mrs. Arnold presided. We are Mar ladies and five ladies from to a packed house. Mr. Bill pleased to welcome Mrs. Wm. Bluebell. . Buchanan was master of cere- (Betty) Craig as a new member. Mrs. .Arnold Pfes'de.¢ After monies. The Hawes ChildrengaVe Members are reminded of th the business session with Mrs. [ an address of welcome spoken Feeder Cattle Sale when six ie: Kemp secretary, reading min- in unison and a recitation by will be donated and two ladiez t Utes, correspondence, etc. Mrs. I Marnie and Ian later both num- assist in the caterin Mr0 Moore convener for Citizenship " bers bein ver weli'done Arnold reported on the I, Ji; and World Affairs was in charge c The Na%ivit yScene with Mrs Auxiliary. Mrs Moore a pm a Of a panel with Mrs. Alice ) Br nda Niclhol adin th. I report on the Catewa gig/v8 her Skimson taking the motto "Life Che' t t wh'lreth f1dt Mrs. Islay Davidsott r 9T;- d is like a grindstone whether it ris mas 5:)er 1.9 etc 1 " for the election of Til e polishes you up or wears you rail Ii aged 'lil It? very President Mrs Wallace A'CelrS: down depends on what you are We . r: re l' e f. song, _ first vicie mes Mrs my? d; made". The panel headed by accompaning himse on h1%gui- d Clemens; 2nd vice Pres. Me" Mrs. Moore consisted of Marg ar was a nice number. '.1.vid Everett Arnold secrete . Mrs. Kemp, Georgia Trafelet, Gladys Lynch ga.v.e a myssicy,,st1t1iy? A.C. Kemp- treasurer Nay, Krs. and Frisieitdt1or.Le,yritliye were Clemens; assistant sectse'tarin --" iiiiei?"i5/tiiifi)e1"rreid?jt; "if"? Prezzio; COWWGVS 9t high? before fj1r"1/sii1rdr/Jll0rralliri) in? (y,,c/rjli//aei',' Criyrzsensc'l/p by Donna Arnold with actingparts ,' Moore, Mrs. George "r'/iiai/c' Relations Oliicei'. Mrs. Wilfred taken by Calvin mold andSte- Agriculture and Canadi ' Pruder' Resolutions Mrs C ven Clemens as Santa Claus was . . lan in- 'i ' . . , . . well received. Miss Joyanna . dustries, Education and Cultural Davidson; Auditors, Mrs. Ar- Loundsbur .- . Activi . . y presided at the pi- I ties, Thelma Trafelet; moor Buchanan and Mrs. Lloyd am for carol sin to A Family and Consumer Affairs, Laney; District Director, Bertha nt rtainin film grasg'show'lliehy Mrs. Everett Arnold; Public Hyatt; alternate, Mrs. Clayton lie/[re Robelgt Smith that was); Davidson; Curator Bertha '. . . . . cr Hyatt; ress S B 'tr, H . delight to all. Alljomed inJingle y , p ec. er a yatt; Bells till Santa arrived to dis- tribute bags of candy and oranges . i' with neighbourhood children be- m...,,.,-.------? MN,» -9ine remembered also. -/ N's"