Oliphant WI Tweedsmuir Scrapbook Volume 1, p. 9

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-On Thursday last, August 25th, e relatives and friends of Mrs. I t . Annie Winskill gathered at her t n Item C Wiarton Garage home to help her celebratet her Interes I g C Doug Arnold 90th birthda A L oppo 1lne . ' ther 2 time, Mrs. van Moore present- Two granddaughters of the Ashcroft families and o C Evere/t': Ariigld ed Mrs. Winskill with a money late William Albert Simpson, relyites: th war years, Mrs. . ern po atree when Mrs. Hyatt read an Mrs. Edith Byornson (Simpson) During was; with the CWAC'S C, Susan Liverance address. As I grow, {Mar I like to of Winnipeg, Manitoba and her Byornsog in Winnipeg and while C Tim Speake see, my old time "lends around cousin Mrs. Winnie Shea (her statioy h r leave in this area ' ' B A ld with me. So that id why I came mother was a Simpson) of spending, e t ll met another C any rno down here to visit my old friend Edmonton, Alberta, have been very, acci/der; aRyoden (formerly C Larry West Annie dear. This being .your visiting m Wiarton for the past cousmi er den) who was also J Ron1Hubert birthday too, many other friends . . u family history Scott of Oxen . the C , . y . . week digging p I ave from her base m _ [ Teake Witteveen are here to visit you, To say of the Simpson and Burr on a Neither knew the . Happy Birthday and many more families. While here, they have Maritimes. ming C Steve Kreutzwieser we hope at least another score. been visiting with the Roy other was co . T.-... C Randy Samms _ Folks say money never gers on W B . C ll f tress. I'd like to differ with you "4422:::v:v:-:v:~'%t+:-:-'~'-'~""'-'r°-'W""""' nan oste O ' please. For here's a m. my tree _ to prove them wrong-Ans? Fig _ ' a\gvain. t learn Mr '7 will sin alittle song. JS.1n - e are sorry o . in singigng Happy Happy B'rth' North Bruce WJ. Donald Arnold who recently Vi - day. Among the myVt..fritryis suffered a broken ankle now has was a life long friend, Lily May About 70 members from the _ to return to hospital and have Moore Buchanan of Owen branches of the North Bruce this ankle set all over again: ' Sound. A host of friends join.ed Women's Institute met at the What a shame, in this day of in wishing Mrs. Winskill contin- Frank Street Baptist Church X-ray, why should this happen. ued good health and many basement, at 6 p.m. on. Monday, _ happy returns. _ September 17th to enlOY a pot _ W.l. MEET I _ ,. rt....'..' ct....., __.a luck supper with two exchange The April meeting of the __ . - .. --- _ ._., _ members, Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. i Women's Institute was held in The Grey-Bruce area cenven- 7-- Cook, from England. Music was the W.l. Community Hall with a tion report was given by Mrs. _ provided by Wendy Cook on the good attendance. . Oliver White. Officers elected violin and by Josie Symon, vocal Hostess, Mrs. Arnold served a were: Mrs. Kenneth Spencer, numbers. Both were accompan- tasty dessert lunch after which relected for her second term of led by Mrs. Craig. she presided with Mrs. Arthur , office while vice presidents are: Following the supper, all Kemp, secretary reading the Mrs. Harold McArthur, R.R. 1, proceeded to the Church above, minutes and correspondence. Dobbinton, Mrs. E.G. Urstadt, l lo see slides of our area, ' Mrs. K. Clemens treasurer gave RR. 6, Owen Sound and Mrs. provided by Mr. and Mrs. the financial report. James Coyne, RR. 6, Wiarton, Tweedale, Lion's Head. Mrs. Mrs. Moore gave a resume of secretary. Mrs. O. Magwood, Barnes and Mrs. 900" gave a the Wintario grant. Mrs. Arnold Hanover, is Public Relations commentary on their institutes gave the report of the Hospital Officer. Provincial board direc- _ in England and a solo by Mrs. Auxiliary and Mrs. Moore on tor for over sub-division 16 is , P. Spears and community sung- Gateway Haven reminding mem- Mrs. Richard Fenton, R.R. 1, ing was also' enjoyed. _ i bers of the tea and bake sale Tara. After the meeting, District I May 29th. Next year's convention will be Directors met and. appointed i Mrs. Hyatt gave the District held in Wiarton October Ist and Gladys Park: Mrs. Vi Chambers l Director's Report. Conveners 2nd with registration commenc- and Mrs. Coyne to judge "e iiwere urged to send in their ing at 1:30 pm. (reducing its Bruce County Tartan awards, 0 iireports promptly. Mrs. Wesley length to IV? days). be completed by September i, Clemens presided for the elec- The them of this year's I 30th. . . . 1tion of officers as follows: convention was "A Child's The next District Directors "President, Mrs. Everett Arnold; Rights Within the Family." meeting will be held in th'e _ Ist Vice, Mrs. George Trafelet; The convention banquet was Lutheran Church baseman, '2nd Vice, Mrs. Armour Buch- very much enjoyed by delegates. \Niartm' at 1:30 p.m. on Novem- ' anan; Secretary, Mrs. Arthur Reports were given on the ber (.1... i Kemp; Treasurer, Mrs. Ken auxiliaries of Hospital and Gate- Clemens; District Director, way Haven Home and volunteers ' Bertha Hyatt; Alternate, Mrs. C. offered to make the six pies for Davidson; Gateway Haven Rep., the branches donation for the Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Prezzio and next cattle sale. Mrs. Moore; Hospital Auxiliary, Mrs. W. Arnold; Press. Sec. I Bertha Hyatt; Agriculture and Wiart n w I Canadian Industries, Mrs. G. O I I mee Trafelet; Education and Cultural V Affairs, Thelma Trafelet; Family The Wiarton Women's insti- played by the public school and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. w. tute heralded the Christmas instrumental group. iArnold; Citizenship and World season with their annual Christ- Mrs. M. Reid opened the P.f.fairs, Mrs. w. Moore; Resol- mas programme held at the programme withaverse, "Price- ly/iys, Mrs. C. Davidson; P.R. - United Church. A large crowd less Blessings". Others on the 19fficy., Mrs. Wilfred Pruder; was in attendance to enjoy the programme included a poem by , Sunshine, Mrs. Bert Neale; _ numbers presented by the tal- Leah Atchison, "The Meaning of firCu'rator, Mrs. Hyatt. __ ented young people of the area Christmas" by Rosiiind Reid, - ard members of the institute. puppet act by Mrs. Keeling, story by Shirley Leader, skit . The girls' choir under the "Why I Didn't Marry" by M. direction of Mrs. B. Ritchie sang Reid, E. Thorn, s. Leader, R. h three numbers, Susan Johnson, Reid and M. McGregor. Ii accompanying herself on the The collection was taken for c guitar sang two selections, duet the Cheer Baskets. C by Ruth and Jennifer Ashcroft, Miss Madge Patterson told p the Teen Choir lead by Betty several humorous stories while L Nixon and three numbers were giving the courtesies. R. bi

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