Oliphant WI Tweedsmuir Scrapbook Volume 1, p. 8

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Pt, English couples are guests V T A Ur former Provincial Board ' C _ member for subdivision 16. Mrs. ' Graham Chambers, who visited V , 71- English Institutes two years ago, Vi - lt) ' I Bruce North District (a part of - ' subdivision 16) entertained our l , English fellow members, our former board members and their , husbands, Monday evening of last week. A pot luck supper was , . . . , enjoyed by 125 to 150 after _ " , t A introduction and formalities were _ _ 'SI ' LW.8 _, 1 observed and the Ode and E . CE " Creed. The Institute Grace was ,, a! , sung. After enjoying a delicious an a _ TG " supper. Entertainment was pro- _ vided in the upper sanctuary of - . u the Wiarton Baptist Church. _ , There was a delightful Informal . ' Ti . friendliness all the evening _. ra s ' through. A third English mem- . - rCi "" _ . ber and her Grey County hostess 4m" .3." tf _ K, . joined us. All three told us of " "1lM.,1-eicf.r': 3;, g x , if _.. v-eve _ their work and customs. Their WIARTON -- Unity Rebekah Lodge No. 147 considers itadistincthon- rmembershlpsharle about 67. They ourto haveamong its membersonewhOis nPtonlyacharter memberand Sia've :nénuscru gg J"1Jet"tlg, V one who has also received the Decoration'of Chivalry, but one who is tuna, on the 52m whegt Mrs also keenly interested and act.ive in all its projects and activities. This Tony Bere slipped up and played . picture was taken last June in the lodge hall at Wiarton during the so beautifully. Mrs. MacElrae Birthday Party. Here she stands at the left, Sis. Margaret McVannel came up (our Colpoys English L P.N.G. BesideherN.G.Sis. Pearl Walpole,andSis. Marion Wilkie, PNG member) and soon We had a of Owen Sound and Past Assembly President. Sis. McVannel is more lovely quartet singing the beaut- than 80summersyoung,likestopiay bingoandstillbusiesherselfpartof Itul song. Our Pty, County's the time at the local newspaper office. glues; '2,','d, 'e','Jt' capable -. , n W o ._iv.es__on a A typical Rebekah! farm of 120 acres in a Suffolk . village and have 120 milk cows. ' The 120 cows can't string down _----- - -- ' through the village, so all the feed is taken to them. How can . 120 acres support 120 cows was our district president farm wife's ', query? The grass is cuts/21x times . . a ear was the answer. e were 1 in the Baptist Church In W'armrl 'Ut/i, with our lovely English , --.. valenn of Owen Sound. on WednesdaY~ 'Betty dermnh sisters and so very proud of all , . strated her Marionettes Hw tcer our own, who contributed to the -lsobel and Bill Guy of Oakville, are getting quite popular.t 6:83_ success of the evening. , spent the weekend with " Cunningham. our d'sir'cs 3mm -What a highlight of the year . . tt nded idem, brought greeting lovely last week has been! Bluebell i -Betty Kee""9.and l, a? th the district. It was a ith a Women's Institute celebrated , -the 25th ann'Yersary' i) h is afternoon, finished 3" WI their 25th anniversary by enter- l Bluebell women s Instltu e, e delicious buffet lun" taining three other branches and . _ all former members Wednesday, l September 19th at the Wiarton _ cattle sale with volunteers to Baptist Chu.r.c.h 8.8. rooms. It make pies for same. Several of was a beautiful event, chaired . . -The" second fall feeder cattle our young mothers have report- by their president, Mrs. Allan sale was held at the Wiarton ed their assistance with numbers Burt... Minutes of their flrst Co-op Sales Yards Thursday of for the program for the Christ- meeting was read and its roll last week. The prices were high. mas Concert. Mrs. Barbara call. Deceased members were Three Mar ladies joined the Buchanan and Mrs. Evelyn honoured and c.harte,r members other workers in the food . Buchanan served tasty refresh- had COI'58985 pinned on them. . building on the grounds. The, ments. Mrs. Spea.rs with Mrs. Martin, profits jsaauwhisttr finance, the ', -We are pleased to know Mrs. accompanying, gave two delight- hospital auxiliary's many " Georgia Trafelet is recovering M solos. Mrs. Keeling told the avenues of help to our local nicely after her recent heart history o.f Marlonnettes which hospital. g treatment in Toronto. We extend evolved in the early Christian r congratulations to Miss Donna Church and the story of the y Arnold who was runner up in making of their own after vacation. . f th the Bruce County Award and several seasons of lessons which -The October. meeting 0 d .e will receive a cheque for $25.00. she and her husband took thirty Women's Institute was hel In chhr. and Mrs. Wes Clemens years ago. She is an expert at the Community Hall with a good and Mr. and Mrs. Everett manipulating them and delight- attendance. Mrs. E. Arnold Arnold were recent visitors with ed everyone. Bluebell had pre- presided. Mrs. W95 Clemens relatives at Dryden and Thunder pared a delicious luncheon, , , acted as secretary In the absence Bay. served buffet fashion and we _ of Mrs. Kemp. The roll call, a -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fogden then found seats at the long short history of vour far? and Mrs. Lena Watson visited tables. each side of the room. brought in a few responses Mr. and Mrs. Dave McKnight The anniversary cake with ice _ few of our members are to and others in Toronto and with cream, was the fitting dessert. attend the rally and also to go to relatives in Kitchener. Again our best wishes, congratu- prepare a meal at the feeder i3altiob18ll Jvnod, theI hope that rrri:rsyth'l_r tliigll Ill "mu mutflrWWWWWWWWWmAmMW< ue e omen's nst tute ma WW] a long continue to flourish and serve the needs of "Home and Country". Our thanks again for inviting such a nice event.

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