l ' ' . ' . 1lirItll, - ' " " MtBtimRtMMl. I$MEliieg1ti* <7: T" sir t li . - " ' I - - f Iilt ©llimillgiMleit ")6 V h-- u, . . - I . " . - - Ill IiliilllIlilrllllllNN- an c-rice]';), report at tho Mts.Wuseisit,wrtouiseititsstlyi,3- ' . . - ' . . ' I' - It 'Ill-mite::)'-,:':?,:-,," nine-ital 9:151. meeting, held the or. the 5th of Seaman. where" _ ?-. I ' " e - e - * EiM '1'"): . oet Trr"ey tgt' Ftsbmary, was her son operates the tom. fist . ' . . - t . " . " 1 I', I' Mk, '3 e-r:: t " tit,trt by Mrs. Hogarth. Events west of Tom Caiay's. on top or ' , ' - . ' - _ t , - I - - 71-"; f,' - m; :3an remember in the not to the hill by the bridge. . _ V ' _ - ' y _ . . . , ' . - - 1;--j.'_;. . new! future are the Geranium Sho was a hard working} may. i . ' , 1 . ~ . _ _ I . 'l" " t ' ;, 'iif,/:,rvR leg, Tag Day In July, with the kind and helpful in every why T ' . " . ' - Bt " , t '/rrt'gtiit? _' Faahlon Show at Hampton and made many (deride: and i ' . . . _ . ' . ' . . - M . " S _ . _ii'ii:i) I Court being the Wat event to at. neighbours throughout ittytiry _ " , - MIM S's ' " _ - . :"j. $531,: tend soon. Plansarebeing made long years, f. _ _ - ' it , -lri5i. 3W! . " cr:?)""-', an:iagosd crowd is sweeten. , When she arrived brains" , ' ' . .7 t _ 'N Mf'Ne. "21.3."? _ l . There will be a draw tor a meeting Mrs. Heard had', thit' , ' - IIE) ' '(y"thr,rs [e, C.,' _ 'r > . .. . hedrocmoet. ' . . . .2 -. H 3,31: _ a. q _" . . , - ' 1 g? ii; x). d _ . - , _ Shoals-2 pavenuood reporter our ot pinning a lovelyjcor' _ . _ . -. . 1'6ra . Mr. Higgin's speech to the C " I" - 'at _ ' V ' ladies which was about aw son Mrs.5cott,wno vmfa> '- _ _ ' . FCY. .1 ' _ I c, . 'Danled byhertwc daughter, l _ _ . J -,.: - meditation in the hospital. They Ha k rth d Mr . . I q __ cr:; ff." » ' . could use volunteers in the tuck . it: CMCA ur an _ it. Tes": T /' _ Jr l - shop. Around in the hospital he 3°06 arrel. t' f c "f . _ . _ A"! ' . gave some options of what the . . Upshall read. on o r". _ {wan-1t . A 3ruce County Book a place _ :/ .tr" EE um could buy with some of ttl, eer 1f» a, .' _ _ F Junie» ' their money, like geriatric rock- t m whleh interest I: = ",. '1" _ l l.' V11}! Ing chair. reclining rocker or bgraatly, and "WA" ' V _ H , 3;} hand rails in some at the rooms. TT er the whale story. r u ttttt. Mr. Hioalns gave quite a Henry Ribbai opening a ldest mem ers Wn th d l f 'Day saint Church in Wlar. g y an n ormative talk on with th I l rib I their emergency program. Merle t th a tr ms and t urs. lt ed b Count Seaman, Mrs. H. Work D M°s° "mes" onour , y I 3 volunteered to no to the next n m. Heard sat down Hosp. Aux. meeting. . r Mrs. Scott and mad Si t The sick committees otthree old Country S'SWI' 1S ers were heard tram and Mrs. E. 1",'or'rgL,,t.'ast around t ' . a seemed The Country sisters met where her son taught, and was t'el,')v."Us".'kl' 'tht tt Ited to hear some otthoee Tuesday, March 2, at the Port so well thought of by the y . . . tt .llke Mrs.SchiI||n M Eigin Bowling Clubhouse, with _ natives. 'et,h,'2uy,',t,t,'hhr,',i H. Work l, Mm. Carin. Mrs chair; 21 members and live guests. With two and a halt million had vls d hum]: I" the nurslrm to her "And a you _ The meeting was noeteeeed by people in Singapore alone, and "WA" "intrigue. II " .. berg box social ln 1921" Mrs. Hogarth and Mm, Seaman. all the high rises, its no wonder "Wu" " may: at; Br: my took two boxes and Mrs. Watka brought the there would be a line ot $10 if Inp an a l t lt ut it cott was the GTG,' meeting to order and with some one dropped a chocolate bar 1",,1'tll', ttt Q ttld watthts, he motion at the pr evl D pleasing words of welcome and- wrapper on the street. it ieavery fancy d B BB, ttttaims, "'93 and ttus ed with a poem on" "There's clean city with all kinds ot BautMtrB. ll tl Sunshine in A Smile". We were eating places, if one could eat Thtt GO " on watt tttken, - icrtunate in having a nice eun- what they had, but ttt Mm. Fler- while tickets were sold on a meeting and Mrs. Upshal shiny day tor the ladies to some eons surprise, they came to a whlttt elephant Brought by Mm. strtgtprttSttd it Chairman for th: out. "McDonaide" which looked Avis and won by Mrs. Seaman. box we!" was Mrs. Upshail, b The devotions were taken by good to her. , MP: Hogarth kindly ofttrrtyti to appointment. DPP, keeper Mrs. Iva Smith and number 20 sue new St. Paul's Cathedral ttrrakit ot "rni' klnd for thet ttlub WtttB Mr. Shiplw, Me il, will" was sung from our hymnal, the Canadian tree Trudeau it the buying CM, could tInd Mrs. Shipley and 'trs.?. Nttlsty fottowed by a preyer. - planted. authentic boutiques something-The next mmrthg itt were to BIN, Mr, GWEN abou Mrs. Avie than read the done with wax. to be held at the Bowling the auctioneer. Mr, We: Smitl minutes of the last meeting and Hong Kong is quite a can- 'i"',t11'h'i,1"lhr",'r/ by Mrs. Mr. W. Leader, Mr. a. Grazer thscy "(m approved " mad and gtsstrrd mace wlth 5% moon R.Th earl rs. T. Lamont. were appointed to look alter th correct. ' people. Noise traffic camlvale the business part or the boxes. Admissionwas who? The correspondence con- 90 on 24 hrs. r; day. People sleep mmsting was Idioumed by Mm. cents. but that; "a stroked OI stated of two thank you notes in shirts. shopping wee terrific. Seaman. 's"g.gs, mantle, FIRMS chem from Mm. Snyder and Mrs. M. with all kinds or mail! and one Mm. 'it','; who w" thtn. "8" P"""'""'.'?!"'"'"" Tirade, who have been iii.Wsare learns to haggie. There are little 1Nttt0t fort tt program. Mtrodutr "T/l'; i _ _ sorry to hear Mm. Holtz is in the railways there since Queen tnts. ed Mrs. Mary Pierson, who took i hen am is: 'nttrttbttr of wt hospital and could not be at the torts Days. The harbour at Hang " on tk trip to Singapore and w tt es Mrs, 19tott was "mm mrmting.1hlitrh you allihg but. Kong is surrounded by sky Hang Karla, where she visited come and out a Dean!" Mrs. R. Theds gave the scrapers and willie there they mm Mr eon, Jlm, Who huh" decorated birthday oaite torn: treasurers report and arising were treatensd with typhoon there. ' Pictures were m'muahe Wt from the minutes this is the "Glam". She hid "Dry admitt- Her son. Jim. is been in On- a ','l2,rrt"Je",'l with a mum month tor the March at Dimes tion for the pilots. they were tar. We lor., since his mother was "rd", a 39:1th r. by the ciu and Red Cross. Our donation to rlllc people. Just seam to sleep ta viitit Nm. I wee interested to _ Mitt.' 1'trtrd tl each of these wag raised this - where. know Mm. McConltie taught Jim cake with the cream and a ye year to $25. from 310, San Franaico would be an e tte at school Ind she we at the onloyeble Ind mimonble hi A report of the last card party pensive place to live. or stay. A meeting to hear all about the my: ',1r,'it'l." over a cup was given. and wee very suc- euliooirooma mimonnlam. tour. an seen on. _ cessiui with marble: inpily.A Another high light or our Mm. mm" "mm" Whttltt _ nice sum was realized alter ex- meeting was the preeenoe of "In Bound 30 real and It must - penecs arrdtrtattttttitteq - .p. our oldest Country Sister have been I heart warming trip "when for the "extend. tmth-tttttttter. who ttrtltttttarstrtr It, torttitr,gtmgtoth0tnm Mhttttl 3¢°momey man."- had her our," . BtttTtustsr.bhe is