K N , . "A, F,..s a . _ . " f w8 Punscr, WM Us-ics- Worm-W} GMMDJCR %B\Jol-c9. - N, . k .. . Exchang t nt ie o . . "as: ? writes to home rv' _, l Darlene Monkman of other Rotary families. The school. My school has 385 Mount Hope Is on a Rotary club meets every Tuesday students with three levels. tilu, Club exchange to France.' with meal meetings every Seconds. Premiere at Tar- l Following is a recent letter second Tuesday. I have minale. i am In Premiere A, . home. been to live meetings and at with students 16 years old. I M one meeting I showed my F am with the same 17 girls . Cher Rotary Club du photo albums and scrap~ and three boys for all my W Jtattad Saint! CommtmttNtra7dtt -book. i have yet to do my courses. The students at ms tree Dian. slide presentatlon. school are very nice and so lhave settled In very well Last night, I was at a .are some teachers. but t . In Fume], France. and l'm meeting In which we had most teachers are there on- really enloylno myaeit. the district governor as a Iy to do their Job. If a I lived with my first heat quest. The club bought my teacher hasn't a class he x. lamllytoronlytwo weeks as school books, my school. may no home. There is no . my host "mom" had an lunches, paid my volleyball school Wednesday after. fhtgtto operation. I was to have and soccer mplstrtttlan and noona tor high school and moved back there but she's gave me $50 a month. The no school at all for the (iy, Arm t'jitsus, not well enough. I will be weekend of Novemtrer1atl8 public school. But my host having tour host families, I my first exchange con- 'slster and brother have to think. Prestmtlyl'm with my Ierence on the Atlantic goto schoolSaturday morn- second family. the Mahincs. coast at La Rochelle. it will Ina. They own an auto parts be my first time tor taking This Saturday is the . store. Thelr 18-year-old the tralnl _ beginning or a ten-day daughter is spending her The French eat very well. school holiday. I am going year near Chicago. They Lunch Is the big meal of the with a Rotary family ttt Cap also have a daughter, day and supperlseaten late d'Aude on the Mediterra- Stsphanle (13). and Micheal compared to Canada, P.3G8 l nean coast (10). They are very nice and cm. and there Is always a A brief rundown on key I'm really enjoying myself. cheese course at supper. events during my stay so My first host "dad" Is an The French have a kind of tar: visited a nearby 15th engineer at the tactory In cheese for everyday ot thtt century castle. sonaguli; Fume! and this lactory is yearl mat Charlie Chaplin's eon doing business with ktm. The weather hora has and grandchildren; been to nedy's of Owen Sound. " been excellent, up until this the cinema three times; aamttllworldllwats able to week the afternoons were visited many historic sand apackuooto my faml- warm enough for T~ah|rta. villages. Including PuJols, ly with an engineer. who This Is extraordinary Penna daggenals. went to Owen Sound last weatheriarths season and Viilaneuve Sui Lot, Agen, month. It's also the driest autumn. Cahors, St. Aim La Poole. Presently I'm living In In forty years. it lsatruoln- Puy L'Eveque, a castle at MonserrtplomLiBoo, which dian Summer. Mercues; visited prehistoric Is a village of about 3500 I started school cave paintings at Lascaux and ll rich! next to Fumal. 8tspttsmbert1th.Ttttt school ll; saw the grape harvest _ Which has about 10.000peo~ Ia2kmtrom wharel live sol and how wine is made: his and that's where I go to not a rlde with the German made chocolate chip school and where I'll be IN. Prat, who Is a member all cookies and pancakes with Inn with my fourth family. Rotary. School starts at a maple syrupAmjoytrd by all- My third iamlly lives in Mon. a.m. and flnlahtM at 5 p.m.l I am having a really good layral, which is 2 km from Different to CDHSI The auth tlme here, my French I: my Fumei. Thereare numerous lects I am taking are: five proving everyday and that is other villages close by so it hours per week of French. what counts. I think! an! go- makes up a fairly large three hours per week of Inc to have a full ytrar ot population in this area It's English, two per week ot new and exciting BX- the rectory (that makes math, blology' physics. perienm pipes) that keeps the geography] hlatory and thope all 008! wall In the population hero The area ls sports. I am also getting County of Bruce. an: well 0:1 'Je, "ttte tum. lessons In Spanish taostrtti' Bison. ' n ve a a as. u or r n north thgrs Issuing urow- om a" "mm" at my Darfem, Monkma [no district and south a plum area - famous tor It's prunes. I've joined the town soc car and volleyball teams, it Is a ore-t way to most peo- ple and to keep active. I am hosted by a terrific Rotary Club. " Is 7 - old and has 30 members. The club makes it obllgltory that each member hosts ms tor a weekend so I have