Kathy had Trivia on Canada followed by a contest by Erima. The program was by Kathy and Erlma with Kathy giving hilarious readings: Knots Prayer -- Bathroom Saga -- Sunday Paper and Challenged Grandpar-- ents. Kathy also demonstrated an upbeat daily survival kit. + Erlima gave A slice of Life -- Hobnob-- bing On the Go, and Say it Ain't so. Lucky numbers received a table deco-- ration that the hostesses had purchased. Birthday girls Roberta Whytock and Jean Tiffin each gave a humorous reading. June Gilchrist reported on "Post Card" a historical look of post card pictures of Lucknow and area before 1948. Rolicall was the exchange of Sunshine Sister gifts and also for all the guests who attended, then everyone had to show and tell their gift. President Irene Haldenby welcomed everyone and Alice Ritchie read the minutes and the treasurer's report was given by Kathy Gibson. Because of a December winter storm, the Kinloss Kairshea WI had their Christmas meeting on Jan. 20 at the Anglican Parish Hall. Mary Lou Raynard with Erlma Haldenby played for a rousing singsong to get everyone in the Christmas mood. Erima Haldenby read the Scripture and also Contentment. After the Institute grace, we enjoyed a fantastic turkey dinner with all the trimmings catered to by the Anglican ladies, thanked by Roberta Whytock for a great meal. The Kinloss--Kairshea WI education meeting was recently held at Gladys Johnston's home with 10 members and two guests present. Late Christmas meeting held -- Joan Murray introduced Gail Locke, from Ripley, who spoke on internet and phone vot-- ing for the municipal election. This was fol-- lowed by the ode and collect. The meeting opened with the Institute grace and cake and ice cream were served. Kinloss Kairshea WI Sunshine Sister meeting in Lucknow The Sunshine Sister meeting of the Kinloss Kairshea WI met at the Lucknow Town Hall on June 16, with a delicious potluck meal. After a fantastic meal, Irene Haldenby opened with two read-- ings, then the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Karen Allen read the Scripture and Erlma Haldenby gave the minis-- ters and also any correspond-- ence. The treasurers report was Karen Allen and Joan Murray set up the lovely tables, looking after the food and also serving punch tea and coffee. Kinloss Kairshea WI _ Karen Allen had the program and read a hilarious reading, Alice Ritchie was the only June birthday girl and she read a poem that her brother Jim wrote 49 years ago on his hockey playing."" --~-- --*> by Kathy Gibson. June Gilchrist made a presen-- tation to Marion MacKinnon for 22 years as a dedicated treasurer and Gladys Johnston honoured Alice Ritchie for 10 years as a sec-- retary. Two wonderful ladies who gave many hours for our Joan Murray gave an excellent report of the District Annual, that four ladies attended. 0"°. q O (\"\05'5\, Y;"ee\\"%\ 2\2\\\ * g' e?. aonN "O\N... wl . The business was discussed and Alice Ritchie and Marion MacKinnon were picked to go to the rally with Erlma Haldenby. Scripture was given by Alice Doleman. A report on the Lions supper was given by June Gilchrist and the con-- vention report from Joan. October birthdays gave jokes. The rollcall was something I do to keep my mind active each day. «of© g \\e'& Y\a\' S'.'.n(\ : 4 )&SYA@G{)X\% y }Aatcbb'mk\da*; E97 eves one. st'\tches wSP U Ap puce tead'flow patd exolt gae" t 2 2 esY one was e ueated 10 e 9$° q mank 10 pict and aso e \'\btafl s&afi.'&\\e w ° "* aou® and W eryo®© en ed'\uX\omug}\\\] k * ~eADe cout\es'\es and at\omet fi\ee{mg £' mds gol? PsEhne 15en© gat© ho ind uen Irene closed with "Grandma's birth control pills" Everyone showed their gift and thanked their sister for gifts, cards, etc., for the last year each member received a new sister for the coming year. The rollcall was answered by the exchange of sunshine gifts, by 13 members and three guests, with lots of laughs about who was your sister for the year just past. "Up', the most used word in the English language and also "Smile". Kathy Gibson and Gladys Johnston had the lucky chairs -- receiving a gift. aold Alice Ritchie gave the courtesies and the meeting closed with O'Canada. Joan had questions on Canada, the topic for the meeting, and then Alice and Donna Sutton had readings on Canada. Joan had a quiz on places in Bruce and Huron counties and a map of Canada to name provinces and capitals. 1'{\5\\ 'Children are Quick' was read by Irene and the roll-- call of paying fees was responded to by 12 present members, with money sent for those not able to attend. Kathy Gibson did the treasurer's reportIt' was decided that Erlma, Alice, Irene and Kathy go to the District Annual on May 26 in Port Elgin. After the opening ode and Mary Stewart Collert, the Scripture 'A Symbol of Life' was given. Alice Ritchie plus read the minutes and lots of correspondence. The annual meeting of Kinloss Kairshea WI was held on April 15 at the home of June Gilchrist. Karen Allan, Erlma Haldenby and June served a delicious lunch of fruit bread, cheese, fruit and dip, drinks and Easter candy. President Irene Haldenby welcomed everyone with readings 'Easter Season' and 'Why Rabbits Deliver Kinlosg _Kair§l_19_a WI hold annual meeting on April 15 pwe? t ce «was yost vad was ue Kinloss Kairshea WI Kathy Gibson, Muriel Mac-- Kenzie, Gladys Johnston and Marion MacKinnon served a delicious lunch of angel cake, ice cream and berries. The culture and citizenship meeting of the Kinloss Kairshea WI was held at the home of Mar-- ion MacKinnon with Alice Doel-- man as hostess. Irene Haldenby opened the meeting reading 'Mothers Don't Eat Quiche} followed by the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Kinloss Kairshea WI # The rollcall "Name a plant that Marion MacKinnon read the Scripture. Irene gave a tribute to two wonderful ladies Betty Fin-- layson and Ann MacDougall who recently passed away. The poem 'Dash' was given in mem-- ory of these two life Wi members followed by a minute of silence. Alice Ritchie gave the nfififitgs, followed by the treasurer's report by Kathy Gibson. May birthday girls -- Alice Doelman and Gladys John-- ston told a joke. Kairhsea Women's Institute hold meeting a Alice Doelman's Irene Haldenby (president and curator), Joan Mur-- ray (vice--president), Erlma Haldenby (secretary), Alice Ritchie (assistant secretary and advocacy), Kathy Gibson (treasurer), Marion MacKinnon (assist-- ant treasurer), June Gilchrist (district director), Rob-- erta Whytock (public relations officer), Joan Murray (assistant public relations), Gladys Johnston (educa-- tion coordinator), June Gilchrist and Alice Doelman (branch directors), Joan Murray and Karen Allen (sunshine committee) and Gladys Johnston and Sha-- ron MacDougall (financial examiners). Sharon MaEDougall had the sunshine sister report with Irene doing the history report. Marion MacKinnon installed the new officers for 2011--2012 as follows: Gladys Johnston gave an excellent report of last year's meetings. Irene then opened the annual meeting with Alice acting as secretary. Alice gave the minutes from the last annual meeting and Kathy gave the treasurer's report. |g yoLkumEk 5 Judy answered many ques-- tions and Kathy Gibson thanked her for a wonderful lesson on this beautiful little butterfly. Everyone enjoyed such a great speaker as Judy. Judy showed a slide show on the life of the monarch butter-- fly. She told how these beauti-- ful butterflies leave in late August/September and fly all the way to Mexico. June Gilchrist read 'My garden is a pleasant place: Alice Ritchie introduced the guest speaker, Judy Stonelc Judy a school teacher is also an expert on the monarch butterfly. She was such an interesting speaker telling of setting up her school class to study and watch the monarch butterfly from a tiny egg, laid on a milkweed right through as a caterpillar, until they emerged as a beautiful butterfly. attracts butterflies' was answered by 12 members and eight guests.