pg 15-- yokumE § Updated Biography--Alice Ritchie 1982 -- 2010 Our son Donald and his wife Karen took over our home farm, Lot 2 Con. 2 Kinloss township on April 1, 1983. We had a new Royal Home moved onto our purchased lot, 619 canning St. Lucknow and moved into it on March 31, 1983. We still owned 200 acres, North half of the North half of Lot 79 & 80 Concession 2 Kinloss Township ( 50 acres ) and the 150 acres on Concession 2 Huron Township. Clarence continued farming both these farms until we sold the Huron Township farm to Mr. Steel in 1987 and sold the Kinloss farm to Chris Irwin in 1993. I continued to work at Pinecrest Manor after moving to Lucknow as Cook -- Supervisor, until I retired in 1992. | went back to work as Dietary Supervisor from May until January while the new Supervisor was on Maternity leave. After that | did sewing for the residents of Pinecrest for awhile as well as a lot of volunteering, helping out the Activists by giving Geography and spelling bees and reading to the residents, which I enjoyed very much. During the next years we enjoyed trips with our 5" wheel to Alaska, Yukon, Branson, Dollywood and many other places. We visited our son Steve, North West of Calgary every two years coming home a different way each time to take in many sights eg. The Black Hills of North Dakota where we saw the likeness of the presidents (of the United States) heads carved in the mountain. ' | continue to quilt, sew, crochet and knit. 1 belong to the 5 Star Quilters Quild, Lucknow United Church and Kairshea W.1. of which I have been secretary since April 2001. In the winter I like to bowl, Shuffle, play cards attend the Jambourees at Seaforth and dance whenever | get the chance. I bought a computer in 2000 and took an 8 week course in Wingham to find out how to run it. It brought me many hours of pleasure. In April 2010 I upgraded my computer so I could do a lot more with it. A very interesting pastime. Mb We enjoy our summers at Lake Huron resort in our seasonal Northlander Cottager as well as & camping at the Barn Dance campout in Blyth each May, attending the odd Plowing Match as f Qy 7 | well as other camping get aways with our 24' trailer. @ 5/ f. F Our children are all married and we have 13 grandchildren, 7 Great Grandchildren and 4 Step /' J f Great Grandchildren, which makes for a big family when we all get together.