rarog Pui z; L U & en "-- e ie e mt e ; l P N hm 2s M L. * * .. un TB At€t a laAamAaAaaAamn Al 9 i > § s K# . t _ .. 40-- M IF ma #Ade | 2@ GAMAMI {ODNMY B Alaecen V airalaara \{Nl l 1 _ l || fold t t [ B [ U I --K InInce \AlIl S11G6G24 VVI C UGlL 0 1GOOOU 1 B WBR ; f \ "p "® ALUIH JQMIU VVI UUGL U UV 9 s o --NAmMnHVUIVY PA QUMIVCE UV I 7 es * hels o * sB * a* '"te . l sn dBev on Sn . k e § 'a * | f i s ns co '1):]: e 'T','Tl F4 Au T M ; ! " eo--camess 542 ie Mitmes, < CR ns m sA IA mmafnA A¥ r *A _1 1 i (-- | | 6 | © o # S «l a tou'n's m % ALI "-- 1ME P 2A I COUCN LE ;1: NC -'(j"_:vl_,f_:\;:} l ( C BA TUMIEGEV ¥Q 110L & UL T GC W I 1 6 "";5["' t ; . ~ /. OS i F4 %\r ( LCA A B d 7 N N & W sb eCalin onl hn Bige yc Avdire in w -- f * @ e F -- P , C l * * "Sad e o----o---------- x | 4 TB 4 7 F] e \MinineeWKairchealWl! _-- * C s ie .. > | | 'A eE f ol hi . Rimioss hairshea wi _ _ e > * | -- | 4 f * ~*KC. -- 3 fie A T ' 4 | . P r='.._ nePlbag + t | cpogae s Kairshea WI held their Education ROs | s : ¥ omm \ > s dA _ "AHERHEOSNVNAITSHCOLVYOACICEE o imontialts~_" ) f i 4 ul ommmime % . Peoreniat -;:,:"-"f;,jf;,v;;;--~.;';:';\7;;"~j,_;,4-;113*:i§111};r1 own Hall ° ---- .i E **% 'A A | e 1. * AMpp i O e NVE mm ariay enc dingapoem --| s ' ( 4 < \ ---- KathyGibson or ened the meetit § te "ol en hanl es | } 4 ; n iA en o nemedameis d Murray Fear of J.R. 4 y Finar Ki ries in Winghar ul ns s ven 4 | x > j 4 4 Fear Apiaries in Wingha n --ra--_s | > -- Ainveviainmic im ermenimainand showing us : * * Sng | ooo Whemanbalna An V JQGUCCLL SHO ce dicor I 4 > q odn d A CR A i K. << i mm Arl : j ¥ | | enc i c tna o also ws '\_}fl(z_',p:';'v,,--.:( 10 / g ~a guee 1 voog ame, o ts1 n 2475 | s k -- a que & 2 ueen bee lavs 12 tt : P i \ --1,500 eggs per day in the summer and h pwiicwolken . e I AJ i oaea t ce 1 they die. Murray '[ij?j'.';:-_'zj{i??)i'}"j"j.",'(i_a"'-'q_ f# ~ A I m . (merrmone remeresomaa a es comb, strained and _ | ags s | -- honey -- is first extr Nee Ee i i 2C ~ '7"1" Te io Ceaies) f \ \ i damrorr red . -- * ____L__A2 s & . men pasteurized, faL S\ ralleneray o o ie on en es o C o se _ He said honey is one of the great n L""'""f""s..%&' t i eA £ --'-i%fl? --___ Sanmiiet > \\ . a hk k. .. s c er hn on ce im ... s of many dif-- s e e ie mt i -- inCc beovait M hentmnaes ©foods. The bees ge Y It -- s l o : June Gilchrist (right) of Ki i'n'fl'g'fiflg,;fi;':\;!" NMI 2 +: y ol J * fnmame tm y different flavoured honey. Mur-- _ __ June ulicNnrISt (FMgNt) 01 Wiaman--EEvnallanna & MIUDHitrttermmmmpcnmrramacane ferent kinds to make different flavoured I ts 49. i. r-m-:','i'»fi-:f,@v;rfffl'-'* th the \ ,'F':*:'.':T;@'rlf'"'TEE,-'T:;*'.": it -- CHLt RH m cunrihnneummmh s was nonoured with the Wol e en dn s | maveonte®s reryone a jar of honey or honeycomb ca e L' n nb pea received from the Bruce _ ____ . ray gave even ) eP * C Award, which she recei 'ea from the bruce _ ___ | dle and also honey recipes ® Sformz. ----_ pxinnpunmars nstitute at their Oct. 18 rally in _ _ C ce noadol d Murray for a very informa-- _ County Women's Institute a ioi leis So 1e y t zone _ Marg Stanley thanked Murray for iail fosats * Iinnendarg * T e o e s I ie 2e o. s hests on and inviting us f*il'l,i"/?i'l'li-"'\.;,%g'u.:'-i,l!lii\f-&%':.. Ta 4P C e t o eve _ MHet * -- p, . ie mm onet omm . uve and interesting t Troree hn Mb a'e o l ag : reepe dsn yate * y ad e w t : m s es eval, e T: se ar Apiaries for hone a es milgcat """.I";'."'Tw_ C (.' ;;._'_-L::l_,,g;\?'j»"*fi;'('(F?'TA:'N""""Jflffi?fi"':&'\"flg" 7 es ' e ' ho mmemmmmmge ~ 2 S Ap S sn 4 ~won by Erlma Haldenby excenence award. Congrau i ninket e fig l .o Nh ce e mt t faxd --*We " Nratian had a De itest won by Erim: malgendy _ _ ---;.3::::' ge . * se s gs»;?h;l,\f{gl'g_fli'? geee _ 4x -- ;_:'.'_"»'-;- ?, t cA N { xo es e hadmhe inckv rhaifzen ch receiving a _ _ Erima ga Ee Nee VCE Sons s 100 e ie <--l 2s Ps M e prs" . e ts m E+ Ag e m --and Alice R tcme had the fucky c P e ie o ptks W,_.-'!fi;_»e_'w-- Ey m es _ eP -- e s Re eoore ind -- e 34 j -w"_}':'i;'-'r' ""x'ir'g':?l' ce Apues ® A rwces : _ zvay prayer. sdicnic--amtncs s is '~\W i 4 o e Mn o e e e y T k P im s * se e oz honey gift | fas, the atea_ ---- .sfi%fi""(flx@fifl.fi?'fif%flfmfi?n':'rs;r-:,ulml:'.u'xu)}i';:L"iu}'.;?w- h e ~{ i| D' _ m . 'é-"'-';*l'.»,, g=+* :' 2\ s [o C ons . c s5 onderful renort on the area _ AUC 291 AdLL VCO 0U1p ut snn ds .ar-- a gil c Migs: mss -- .& = plaak-- «. o * y e _ Tune Gilchrist] i wonderful report on iL $ * t ts Wfar 79?'r'-"*'»j:»',.\"\fi;@];w\'s'n;\!\.'?--f'-fl\é', EAF}'_\UT'A: I «> B _ I }; BA If To: uit JeA _ June Gilchrist hac ton reported on the _ Marion MacKinnon, Alic hutchie S OE. ; _ ~ _V¥ sAAA c | EO nds P {convention and Cladys fohn on reported on the _ Marion o w «,\'_,.rd:m-fi»:\'w;v"w';fi.'\' muffins 5 21 tz 1 toCill yXfi \? P V conventfion and oi ____ _ Johnston served a wonderful lunch wi s ts alyp sasres-- 3 CAtESLAL l«?l.zl;',t.%_g_.fg COmbdimnor thewratere. Bs f «m --fig _r Pea 7:,\\,;." 0 \:T' {:'.%' e : scR it ue ' --= y i 4 a o :\\\\\7\'_;. 2. --('.L;',' ; L1ons CIUD im 3 2e nswered by -- jams and cheese. _ uts -->. T. Lc s ' R o ( f--rs io ux t c t C --4 _ UA i enA c _ was answered by _ jams e achaneent oL. _ inz e made with mey -- J H 1 es e JA AR' ---- The rollcall "Rec ising Honey e fexrn nz Cl ,y_firg":,mv;ai};;fi'g'(gn. ate of cookies made with mlfl_ja\H _A m a--a FIA. mA 1. Pa 0 SA L A 7 Cpg--a ons C ie o mc nE CE AISO: enE ad ous: meaca is > ,l--"jfi;T:g:\:;%.'n, sweet | f y A (' 2 N I i( B C': _-f. @ _\§ TCP 2 t 15 members on esc 5s ou on each table and a recipe for everyone. en oet ty i2 es 1 i 1 I Ew us B B | \ D badhs\ C | A)MER , 2 3 Rally with June _ on each table and a re # EeC alss ¢ se B :\ z , 7 0 tA 6 H C t N B n N /l})/ KJ : J/s?"*-"- t Inan 71 + l tm soog <aal rofgniin. 1 is Mn rine=a ® hss »a o ht\ 4 4 ige as mm ts e ago o0 vesct Cfi +d e cte / poe d (ts MEA mm £ s f Woman of meeting then closed. _ g Creig | { -- *z 1'5'5\". i R'fi : E4 ;'f? d CilakK i ruce ( nty woman oOf_-- mecung U ' ® h m f * mn es ds ..3 % a c o e ; Grichrist helites Caat enz whin s < 49. --1 C fks.. .. x+ 2 tai | 6 fess=nad P is AaK*:3 C# A. 6z f e n ts s NP ic ce -- (ounee ie Arovn o p Rew: 2. 2343 : @ [r @V-- 'U"'.fiw'f;'"-"'i?% ( im mef w ty ' ' s« M o oi o M en t L e _ ;__._fi__'.. oneman d ,"_QN;\Q,JLM_':';j;}/ ° OW t&d&gafi-o 112 ~2." ; 8 * e C "men dvel ie e en . < w t" e S e ~--TBX--ZC--_--% se 9 , > ays @0 -- ez -- . MJ:'\/A"».W;v,\»'w--.A > hn o n -- meove . t ',9)»5-'\9&:;\5\"/'}/' ,'.,\,1-:&'?,5 & is --. ol se . } U T --4 § <2 n nnte ne tm ' e h -- dnc 4 e Ramco«ayte x¥ Cavw y § iss -- 3d i --g | °0 DbCECSwax Ua1 NC CS a~ ¢ : "~ WV TV LA Cf EOB EK CALD 0 o enkt . o c elgul ons * Rdeis 1 4-- L M c [»p 6n L_ uiC . h , ~"o mt @ .-fb a o AQ Clz a I Fas n e o erad . t \C,Lfl,é Lbaskets es s h ¥% r-_l o »V' *{Ilfl'? f 2 "\_/"[Hfl,[k.fflffi:,'!J'w"J \-oj»'o);'/:t'o 0 ;.0 y J 791 VUVU _ ~OmRe ul