Kinloss wairshea w held yiay fu) meetind at 22e --_ iL |ran'[ C apomiest our fur meetin$ closed" "O Canada" °* _neetin$ 1§ fiel 3 Kintoss Kairshea W1 nons. T L2 rogsas . S sn We se C o Nes ooiminl o H moee e ieR eneteielt she talked about exercise for seniors plus _ AliceDoelman had two readings and Joan h2 Zumba, which she teaches on Tuesday some Irish jokes and a shamrock contest. Th mornings. meeting was closed with O Canada. Kinoss wairshea ""'~ _ Mary M i KiniosS airshea wh zie, MeSY stanley: Fleand" Krae .. our fur?. ,}neeting closed with The Kinloss airshea w1 held mer {0® tucd chairs p canad2 °* es May ts meeting 4t Mary 5 Rrobertd Whytock than!ced The next meeting"" the SuD~ '"*fl\lranrmLuc\mow at 9 a®: Mary and hC ctaff f0" adelicxous shin€ potluck at 12 noon !? the *' .o Grace 4 deli-- meal and Murid MacKenzie gave pucknOW TowP gall Tin t mecouflesies. o o maae -- * f i P Tep z. . mfery Irene with her thank--you gift JUNVOT Heather Barger was introduced by Joan and read. n 4 on Ph oi n e e l P $ R T. y The yats" _ The ¥Kinloss Karshe" | n their May fun meetin$ at Mary S Restauxant in Luc\cnow at 9 a®: pfter the insttute Grace 4 deli-- cious brea\dast was served to 13 2 * Andaftwe guests-- . c affthl the cious brea®o"0 _ membe®® and five guests-- Openit2$ the meeti98 with the «opeming gae' and MA¥ gtewalt Collect president jJoan Murray read ayyfpat 18 4 Mot.her." The minute® were read PY grimd Ha\denby with pusines discussed afterwafds. Treasurer Kathy Gibso® gave the txeasu!er's report The rollcall of "SP§ Say, 0 Pay a Toonie was just wonderful and it had m pilariou© jokes with i. Alice ritchi® Muric! Macke® IF lt oo d on Sn B gh n t c on ol en S0 ce in en e aa t +. read. Alice Doelman had two readings and Joan gamp Irich inkoc and a chamrack enntect _ |Kinloss Kairshea WI held Sunshine Sister potluck at Lucknow Town Hall The Kinloss Kairshea WI held their Sunshine Sister potluck at the Lucknow Town Hall on June 21 with hostesses Joan Murray and Karen Allen serving punch, tea and coffee. Birthday girls -- Sharon MacDougall and Alice Ritchie each told some very funny jokes. Andrea Feeley gave the courtesies and a wonderful meeting was closed with 0 Canada. -- After a fabulbh--évr;xleal, the opened with "The Opening Mary Stewart Collect" Kinloss Kairshea W1 PresidentJoan Murray read "Fathers" and Erlma Haldenby gave the minutes of the last meeting. Kathy Gibson had the financial report, followed by Irene Haldenby giving a report of the District Annual, The rollcall -- a household tip and also the "sunshine sister" gift exchange was answered by 16 members and five guests. Members and guests showed the gifts they had received and thanked their "sisters" etc. The next meéting will be held at Sepoy Manor on Aug. 16 at 1:30 p.m. Karen Allen had a reading " Line Says it All" Ns o e mee 0 The Opening Ode and PS The Last meeting N s PE e Alice Doelman,Marion MacKinnon And guest Ruth Buchme Kathy Gibsog standing -- ? and Jean Tiffin C( is '%l,a/ Co, w ie rec l tules.. > i o mp t a"g ~ o s a 7/;1"'9}'3:0 4?000.06'004{('"2@95 s L%}a 7 7 'Jzzd Oeg)e';'ti 'Ogo]éer J,J/'@,of 6}5806%,0 o ug) Cap Ca,, Cay _ "!6 Lo g * R UIme"agy "og Th 88 py . On Aav, 2ore d n c . "Tac es L004 ie 0[01'%[6 be del)[ -S'QO e."ea < o 4/100 a 4e y S/)i,]e'i y 8 q')C * * the J (,}'bsoo 2Ve a o'etai/g 5) "he . thke, Lf';lzs d%er ; : ka[rs/)ea I'V]hq'/lbauo F. "g, 4o !neetz})gz}; /K hss ro//ca// = '61))68!"' 4 y @"Ca ; h,el'e 5. L% it To,," 3t Porm . Gy, 7 14 Cns O "Cn, 4 ,e:o" 19. ta; & Off'k I:/I, 8 Co .}3' 6'6'5, U ; " %@ 00[ rhe Of2, eo',,,». t 4 x q/)elvpreéybgag Z'cer.s*re/};a/beo't/;e eppreczéii{)" 1 ~r,%0,; CC %@ %Sel'ped. '"'Ir;a&!z]ee,j}]p 6 _ A£4, ; ~Cto fsk. ie Clin wip CC a')dee Cl'e af;] zenedtl;e'bee ty, _ 78 61] d/]{ah' r $ ty C 3/};9/7 o. "Ca Sline -- W f?%:g /70/0l VOII [('; Vor YQG@L UM b ."61'1. '% 'J-Sbi 0 Meap I'[)e [(:?1'6 p d[/e[] & To q d] }]g 2 j8eq. $ use b"]