-3- V3.4 Around this little lake, fawns were so numerous _ that the many passers-by depicted the scene to others "t as "so numerous that they appeared as flocks of' swans on the lake". Hence it was called Swan Lake. Where ls the lake now? When farming: was first begun this lake was drained to create land suitable for tilling. As early as 1878 this section was settled by the Chippewa Indians of' Saugeen and the Owen Sound Indians. The crown decided to dispose of the land of the Swan Lake farm in order that the proceeds might be applied to the support and benefit of the Indians. Thus in October 1878 Swan Lake Farm, a total of lunit acres was sold for the sum of' $350 to Peter Anderson Scott. Mr. Scott was what we may call a "gentleman farmer". He built what was then thought a spacious home. He had all hired help and he himself had a leisure time watching' his labourers work while he sat on his balcony. Superstition was prevalent throughout the country in these days and Swan Lake played its part also when Mr. Scott's home became known as "The Haunted House". Many of the young folks did not believe in letting this superstition vanish. Secretly they would assemble at the Swan Lake farm, soak brooms in coal oil, attach these on high poles and set them on fire. Others arranged themselves in white sheets. These actions i caused great concern to many of the superstitious types I and attracted attention from great distances around. l "h. On this farm is what is known as rocky Island. - There is also a large elm tree that still stands. From the Bury road past this tree to the Shore Road was the road used by settlers travelling to town. Shoes were among one of the many scarce items. A common scene would he women travelling over this road to town carrying their shoes to prevent their wearing out. Just before reaching town they would put on their shes for better appearances. In the earlier days when supplies were brought from Wiarton and travel was by foot, pioneers were known to carry flour from Wiarton a distance of twenty miles. Later, transportation by water was the chief means of acquiring supplies. Mr. Hellyer used to go by boat to Owen Sound in the spring and bring back a load of supplies. A crowd would greet him on his return and celebrate with a feast. It is believed that Mrs. Robt. Bain (Annie Hellyer) was the first white child born at Swan Lake. The first Sunday School was held in the school house and the credit of this was due to Hm. Stewart. He was also responsible for the first Christmas concert in the district. Ralph Walters took some of the young people to Lion's Head to buy gifts for the children for this occasion. Misfortune played its part in this trip "t "r, when the horses struck In the mud on the return trip. 9 Finally at midnight they were able to continue homeward ' after being helped out by Henry Hellyer and his oxen.