Ferndale-SwanLake WI Tweedsmuir Community History Volume 1, p. 9

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nd m . Better Deal br Grey a ft rfJnaitt,5f,,t,er,t, Shows _ t t I I esu S a 'erndale 9 Bruce Sa s Mat: , il Ts ly.ith t,,eti"tr,1lt'1e of their t1ew t'ee. ~12 I ' reatlon pal " the people of Ferndale -- and the surrounding district have just Dessfoite the near-freezing weather,' Dr. Phiuips-aTiso-frfo-ur,71i"up we reason for pride. The park is a di- a crowd of almost 1000 was on hand question of the great shortage Mi rect result of the efforts of the com- last Thursday night for the grand trained nurses in the province:: Hel, munity as a whole and. its opening Opening of the Perndale Recreation stated that it would be impossible te) _ last Thursday must have been a Grounds. Guest speakers for the carry on the present services were it source of real pleasure to those who ferenlogies was Dr. Mackinnon Phil- not folr Itliedmany married nurses "lt had worked so hard fot it. ms, ntario's r Minister of have it: pe in the emergency. e . . Health. other sp2ll,rs were Kenzie appealed to young women to enter Jhugor!t'2,e2,e,gg1,igh)it: sev- _lrostev, Bruce County WL.A., and the nursing profession, promising [TI'. n ded a ball 'll?",?, y decided Wiifrek, Adis, Warden of the County. that something would be done to they "Romy The: th and donated Chairman Wilfred Evoratt, Reeve create better working conditions and Te",," _,'I21lnd', not get 1 :y found that " Easmor Township related the his- higher 1vage.S "We have to have they co do the t an for a park. tory of the development of the dine them," he said. As wenthe'womhi urned the scheme new park. Th .. . .chased He told his listeners that the tu- ove1 to I. . e land was pure , . . ' dale-Swa L V- he stated, In 1949 and the project berful.osis treatment system in On- The Fern kl d n ake Women's Was a result of the splendid work of tario is second only to that of New Instifutt the e the Problem as only the Swan Lake and Ferndale Wom- York on this continent. an Institute can. They found that en's Institutes. When completed, the And he stated very definitely that there were 25 boys between the ages 5-acre park will contain a ball dia- he is going after equal beruyfits.for of one and.fourte\en on a 1Wanile . mond, tables and chairs for picnics the counties of Grey and Bruce in stretch of highway and decided that and children's amusements. future. He gave tfigures which show they must have a place to play. Warden Wilt Adis of Red Bay ad- that these counties are far behind They purchased 5 a ' dressed the gathering bvityily, bestow- the average in Ontario for health I, from Mr. Henderson 'lee,', of land "I . . ts. . oughead for g fPmplimer1ts on the ladies of the gran . $800 paving $300 do f. Institutes for their fine work. The evening was rounded out by a which was donated TKm' mort. 0 _ ___ Kenzie Foster M.L.A. was the concert by the Wiarton Citizens' fence for $100. The tey bought all next speaker. k, suggested that ali and and a ball game between Lion's work men women "d hey went to - grant could be obtained from the ead and Harry Lumley's All-Stars th manual labour a? "When, on government toward the cost of the f Owen Sound, in which the latter l As many a 0 . building tltl _ project. In introducing the chief :ame out on the top end of an 8-7 pal to red woulds Six tractors aul Speaker, Dr. Phillips, Mr. Foster de- lBOI'e- The Lion's Head team was vo on e ' be working at) ,. - clared that the provincial government iolstered by the addition of a bat.. j once. l ( __"" ceuld not have made a better choice el'Y from Wiarton, Len Simonoski ' One of the best.ba11 diamonds ini e . for a leader in the Department of inching to John Gilber.t ' any tell °°mmumty in the county Health He emphasized the unity be- t -- _ __ - - __ ,lwas built. The Ball Club. donated V tWeen Grey and 'Bruce pounties in i , $50. The W. , seyspred a Taaior solving their problems.' ' ( .' .133" Club. . he Highway Depart. l Dr. Phillips thanked Mr. Foster a ment has already doetttseg-iwaiabIes ty his remarks and also thanked . to the picnic grounds itttd will add.a him for bringing his name before the 't r fence Ite). the four-lane highway Hoisse at T0ronto'for the position of , t, goes through. The heavy growth of Minister of Health. , flceFlm's at 'll"', and of the, park was He promised that the government ", ' tpimmed an paths.eut. I . Would pay, upon application 25% of y r Next veal" smiles, slides and ' the cost of the park and also 25% b teeter-totters will be installed for ot the estimated cost of the volun- f l the youngsters and flowers and tary Iabpurr supplied. He outlined b I shrubsrlanted; It will btsaNetistsat the manner in which grants-arehuubs, _ _ sport for tYP: to stop. Then a tor such,eymnunitsr lyroieets. --- TP, has a??? sunk, Che Dept. of», The speaker then threw a bouquet ', . 11,iir,1,p,,ve,ys wt danatss-,asac--auuaor ; to the Women's Institutes declaring . fiveplace. . t ( that the Institutes do more for the ( I About $250 was taken IO on Tluupr- l rural people than any other organ. day night and when the expenses are I ization. In reference to the Ferndale Com- paid, the' rest will so in the pot., It i In a brief review of the history of munity Park, I want to make it clear will not be too long before the park 1' the Department of Health, he 'told that though the W. I. is handling is paid for and another tribute will his listeners that it had grown from. funds, ete., they want it called Fern- stand to the work of small Commun.. i a health group run by two pepole dale Community Park and take NO ities in general and the Women's Inz _ and spending a paltry $4000 per year, credit for the work of the ball dia- stitute m particular. ' in 1882, to one of the largest Depart- mend; it was all done by the men I "--re-ir-c-rr . ' ments in, the province in 1950, with of the community, also the men help- _ V 18 divisions in the Department "and ed in every way in clearing the extra 1 an expenditure of $35 million on the land. . publie's health. He estimated 1951's As to a further payment, they are i 7 expenditure at $40. million. waiting for the grant; they inteed _ ----'-------t--t-- T _ l One out of every 300 Persons in to Me the grant when their next pay- Lion's Head. Li situated on Centre [ i Ontario/ enter mental hospitals at ment is due Nov. Ist, but hope to Road, No, 6 Highway. iThate is a some time! he stated. and observed k.e!sp .the $200 or so on hand to 31m. church, school, garage, two restaur.. l 3 that it "as the intention of the De- {Ville improvements such as all es. ants, a storage locker, and several l partment of Health to set ur? a re- ,swmgs, etc? for children. retired fameys' homes gaming the ' Search bureau in Toronto to mvesti- Ferndale is in the fentys of a 13:; /settVtt,utt, on the Grii)'hs, of'fqur I Rate this (ield. 1. . , . . " lporous 1TI5sy section 8 miles , _ .famahumli \Mmmi'i- h ' _; A _------------

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