'" Ver-lo Leitch, convenor of the delief Committee was appointed as the Institute representative. In uecember 1934, baskets of Christmas cheer were again packed ti' and distributed to needy families send persons and $15. donated to the Community Christmas tree. At the annual meeting may 51 - 1935, Mrs. J. J.-McKinnon owing to Miss Stewart's illness had acted as presiding officer for the latter months, was appointed fresident with Mrs. Truemher remaining Secretary-Treasurer. Miss Stewart presided at this meeting and Wes appointed District Director. An l instrument table costing $16.75 was Purchased for the local Private nospital.K For the year 195d:§1 Mrs. C. J. Halliday was elected President with Mrs. - J. E. Truemner continuing as oeeretary Treasurer. A luncheon and meeting of Delegates of the Associated Country Women of the World held at Guelph on June 18th 1936 was attended my Mesdames Leitch, Rennie, Helliday, W. P. Krug, J. Krug, Henry, McKinnon, Schweitzer and Miss Rena Stewart. It was in Deptember of this year that the dishes and silver were g:? bought;' 5 dozen each cups and saucers, plates and spoons. A committee was appointed to look into the matter of having diptheria toxoid administered to V q school children. It might be noted that the Institute was a pioneer in this movement as now the Government and Publie, Health officials have taken over the toxoiding for all communicable diseases. Another new idea, which is now firmly established was the teaching of music in the Public School when mrs. R. w. Stephens explained the new project and ()10.00 was voted toward paying for music books. In September Miss Agnes McPhail was guest speaker on her trip abroad and told of what impressed her most in her travels through Russia, Denmark and Sweden. This meeting was held in the Town Hall and afterward repaired to the [ Instjtute Hall for a social half hour. _ In November of this year (1916) the Institute wrote the hospital officials V in Walkerton asking to be relieved of the responsibility of keeping up unseley 's, in the hospital- It was in this year that Mr. Putmsn died and a letter Room . of condolence sent to Mrs. Putman.