YF- fi) For 1926-27 Mrs. McLean was again President and Mrseyhrug c)eevetary-Tvessurer. ' A Tart Day in aid of the Armenian Boys' Home at Georgetown realized $65.00. Further l, lg; sums were raised by Rummage Sales, parties, baking sale, catering to a Junior farmer and Junior Institute banquet, amounting to $629. fi25.00 was voted as Christmas gifts to be divided among the many appeals received. The sum of' $200. was subscribed toward the new Agrieu1ature1 Hall. $25. was sent to Bruce County Hospital to re-decorate the Ghesley Room and renovate the furniture. Pillars were erected at the entrance to Riverside Park at a cost of W50. and a bronze tablet engraved costing imo. T 1927-28 starts tl new Institute year with Mrs. B. Wright President and Mrs. W. G. Warmington Seeretary-heasurer. A "Strawberry Festival" and band concert was held to mark the opening or Riverside Park, proceeds $85. to be used for further improvements to the Park. The Book of Knowledge composed or 20 volumes was presented to the Public School. Two cartons of clothing valued at #105. were packed and sent 3 to Haliburton. E} All meetings were featured by the usual instructive and educational addresses. Mrrs. Wright found it necessary to resign and Miss Rena Stewart took the chair for the remaining two months and continued as Fresident until "ovember 19§4 when owing to illness, she was forced to resign and Mrs. J. J. McKinnon, Wee President, presided for the remainder of the Institute year. During these years of! faithful and capable service, Miss Stewart conducted every meeting. The members were duly appreciative of her devotion to the welfare of the Institute. During Miss Stewart's term of six years as President, Mrs. Warmington served three years as secretary-Treasurer until may 1930 and Mrs. J. if. McKinnon for three years. During the later years or M155 Stewart's presidency, dressing houses for the use of bathers were erected. The first Community Christmas tree was erected in December 1929 and the Institute anvss for funds and make 500 stockings and $10. was donated. Fruit, " was asesd to c sto. were sent to the Children's Shelter in Walkerton. also to Bruce County pickles' wreath was placed on the soldiers' monument each Armistice Day, an Hospital' "