V Er- La, to about 3200-) _ In 1914 e petition was sent to the Town Council asking that the sidewalks be '5 kept clear of' snow. A Red Gross Tea was held and ()60.00 realized. Working with committees from the ladies Aid of the different churches a large number of baskets were packed with Christmas Cheer for needy families and with each basket went a 25 lb. bag of flour donated by Mr. M. n. Halliday. n shipment composed of pillows, blankets, bed linen, socks and other articles contributed by all who cared to give, was sent to the Red Cross Society in November 1914. TIn February 1915 several large cases were packed In the old Post Office and shipped for Belgium relief. A Red Cross Society having been organized locally, it was decided to allow the Institute to merge with the Red Cross for the duration of the war. It was Do "Dril 26th 1921 that the Institute was re-organized with Mrs. D. G. Leitch as President and Mrs. W. G. warmington, isecretary-Treasurer. ' /' At a meeting on May 11th it was decided the Institute would help raise money n, for a War Memorial as their special objective. A tag day was held at the celebration on June Trd and $178. realized. A concert on Fell Fair night yielded $113.80. In March 1922, a three day Bazaar was held in the Town Hall with proceeds amounting to $500. and this, with the proceeds of Tag Day and Concert, amounting in all to $900. was turned over to the Treasurer of the War Memorial Fund. The year 1982 opened with the same officers in charge. Another tag day on June I Ord realized $100. and was paid to the Memorial Fund, bringing the Institute contrib- ution to $1,000. At a concert on Fall Fair evening in addition $177. receipts at the door, over $40. was collected from the audience for queen Mary Hospital for Consumptive children. In oetober came an appeal for help for fire sufferers in Northern Ontario. Appeals re made from the pulpits and the response made possible a large shipment of clothing. We . footwear and canned fruit. At Christmas, over one hundred stockings and gifts "'-. bedding: I T . n as well as other articles were sent to New Liskeard. A play entitled for amid?" Minister" was given try local talent with proceeds amounting to nearly $500. "The New