F M c m q _ . Increase mem Oersh 1p, WI told . W. _ e _ mill . g . . By ANN KELLY ' ' . FamilyhivingEdltor f , , WI president "Rural life is no longer considered a btsstion.o strong . . u . -. "in? .. V; g family ties. Because of the myriad of problems facing us Family Living By, "NELLY RR 2 Paisley is the alias». today it's urgent that you increase your membership." . Family Uving Editor nate. ' "r, Molly McGhee, director of the home economics branch, ' Mrs. Francis Gemmall The report of the ministry of agriculture and food told delegates Tuesday at _ was returned as president standing committee the 19th annual Women's Institute convention held in tof (hey-Bruce' area f"mPrr"rrsrnvmr-rmssossted. Knox United Church, Durham', Tuesday afternoon on the consumer in the market place. Wumen's Institute at the in the form of a debate. Miss McGhee, who was paying her first visit to Grey- Consumerism is a social movement seeking to augment ' 19th annual convemion Registration for the two- ' Bruce as director of the home economics branch, told her rights in relation to service, according to Jamieson. He held in Durham. The two- day convention totalled 731 [ audience that when she did war service in Edinburgh said that a degree of imbalance has evolved in widening gay convention concluded with Grey Centre district during the last war, and slept on cots under quilts made the gap of credibility and trust between manufacturer Tptssday afternoon. winning this year's at- by Wumen's Institutes, she didn't think that 32 years later and consumer. "Business may have defaulted in not I Other officers include tendence award. Both [ she would be director of the home economics branch. keeping consumers informed. Through lack of com- past-president, Mrs.' co. Bruce Centre and Grey The speaker paid tribute 10 the organization. From its munication we have disagreements. Consumer complaints Sutcliffe. Deshoro; vica- Centre had all delegates in l beginnings in 1897 to the present, the Women's Institute are born in anger and disappointment. The impediment to presidents, Mrs. Kenneth attendance. There were 57 has 8 million members in the Associated Country Women successful solutions is lack of communication. It is im- Spence, Leith, Mrs. Harold Grey Centre vitaitors and 43 I of the World. Miss McGhee said that she was overawed possible to have human relations without com- MCAFlhtll'. Dobbinton and Bruce Centre visitors. The . by the fact that since 1915 sewing clubs for rural girls, municatioas. Consumers are people." Mrs. E.C. Urstadt, Owen award was presented by I volunteer leaders have been found for 4-H and senior According to Iamieson the most important right of any Sound; secretary, Mrs. Mrs. Marie Klagas. I clubs. . consumer is the basic right to complain and be heard in Grant Grieve, RR 2 Port Mrs. Francis Gemmell "l'm impressed by past achievements. Idon't think your the market place. Elgin; assistant. Mrs. James was chairman for the : dreams grow softer but stronger. I urge you to take a "The fact that in 1976 the ministry of consumer and Thom, Box 1638 Maaford: morning session and Mrs. more excellent role in disseminating knowledge. You can. commercial relations had 5,000 written complaints and st1yt1surtr, Mrs. Orland Harold McArthur was t, and indeed must, make greater contributions to family 7,000 telephone complaints is a clear indication there is Magwood, Hanover; public. chairman in the afternoon. and community life in these trying times. In the past much to be dune in closing the credibility gap between the relations officer. Mrs. Roll call was answered . changes occurred slowly and the family had time to businessman and the consumer' Morris Rennie. RR 1 with a $3 donation from *' adjust. The speed is accelerating and this is no longer It is more satisfying and less restrictive if self Meaford; assistant, Mrs. each branch in liens of a ti possible. The family is changing drastically. There are regulation takes place. Suctasssiul business relations "rohnWhitney,RR2Hrmand craft table. - communal families, divorced, separated and single develop from corOience and trust." 'Centre. . _ Convaners' displays, parents. The divorce rate is one in three and just over one Iamieson touched on the sellers' rights and the buyers' Standing committee Tweedsmuir Histories and e in two marriages with teenagers. California leads with .. rights and urged consumers to know their rights. " conveners are agriculture Bruce County tartan more than one out of two marriages ending in divorces." , 1 L. .1 _ . .. "1.1"." on . and Canadian industries, display were set up for the e, Miss McGhee urged institute members to assert their _ '4 l" 7 , 'v . - ' , "r _ 'vUh's " Mrs. Carl Raurke. . RR 1 bemsfit of delegates. influence on today's planners as they deliberate matters, _ r" _.," _'"t F .1 ' . "',T'" 1 .13.. g ,1 . Hepworth; citizenship and ' e concerning the family and community. Revamp programs _ (r. v' e ' V v- r. - world affairs, Mrs. Ken- The 1978 convention will t _ to discuss vitally important and meaningful issues and 'r." 1 _ t3 the 1- .113? 'rr"rnLrly neth B. Taylor. RR 1 be held in Southampton , don't be afraid of controversial issues, was her advice. "l .r ' - _ Kemble; education and October 11 and 12. _ e" Charles Iamiescn, a special projects officer with the cr, IC)- it'.' the 2'. Fifi) .tUSt cultural counties, yrs. Mrs, Clarence Coxon ninistry of consumer and commercial relations, spoke _ _ l _ _ " .. l, 1Cr To' Richard Fidler, Holstein; was song-leader for the e _ - _ v. "I. - t at .221; CJy '", L Li. . " W -'- "I _ V A/ family and consumer " tthiay convention and _ ,-' V fairs, Mrs. Robert Mrs. George Maluske was a. t i, -t can: s-ir, :':'C , fill. Gilchrist. RR 5 'Lucknow; pianist. ' resolutions. Mrs. James , ,..._ 1 ,"' '_'. wr" ",, ,. . 1v. 7. T v,C? 31% t" 'rr" or i" in 'White. Box 1085 Meaford; e, V _ll, -e- V _ .. ,. Te " Tweedsmuir History 'cl _; 'd 'f'. iii, Fr, . ",' br ti 5: tigilili': r"1 ' n.1,," "3'17- 'lr' in Curator, Mrs. Percy 92 ' g .L _ 1., T. '., 'r, ",,,-'r "A Radbourne, Owen Sound; the ...4; lot Jo: (we? 1 ur DT Jib _ _ -,..0 -Lo T'cr_C.r V" assistant, Mrs. Victor el, . L. Emerson, RR 3 Wingham. i . V)" , Ar "'-'_se, 'n' _ The auditors are Mrs. " a, A: . .. . T "-,i-n "r"'" o,--, .r,, l:ud the 93.31., James Milligan and Mis. _ C,'cl av ' Lt , :LL' i.,.-' _ Th :11; 'iv u --str i... __ L IE. Sharpe both of _ ,~, .. _', J,,1 T br' -n Je-ee- 'co 'ro T.) T', 33w "cti'rttic Durham. bm --"'-'-) l",'. "A o:1 _ [Lip. C. . " " Concluding her term as q," , " T""" .. '1 _ ~11... A G, "ry yew fin} to C n "in": 11"."3'3- president of the Federated Q -- ' I _ , . ' T Women's Institutes of So you ' l J.' rou ."'i.tx:'l to t dry, tic: t Lilli? t? > Ontario is Mrs. Herb at: ' - - ' 1 V l l, l .. " D Maluske who conducted _ try :3 twin ;.". tileyrnlllil n It"? be com. ...). _I _ ., o the ammo" and in- ek, , ' . staliatiosi' of ufrrtrtsrrs. I ' "2"1CCs tilt? CL lo. Mrs. Ken Spence was q l elected board director of a": subdivision 15 with Mrs. _ German Hamill the i t, alternate. Mrs. Richard 'l, Fenton RR 1 Port Elgin was i, Q: acclaimed board director i, of subdivision 16 with Mrs. Ms Harold Wolfe, RR 1 Dubbinton the alternate. , Mrs. William Middleton. Eh Box 569 Chesley is board director of subdivision 17 eu and Mrs. George Weelt'le, , - -- is N