:rri-, itfM - l 'me, r. i ' Eta, . . "q ss- - . . - - l _ ,. , I , i " = aa " r . .mwl.' "*2 I Li, I". c: _ - ' '" """t' . . LN TMtg in"; '; 'rl-trr ' F, ss - l - . 7. A l 5 Bill "K I ll8M5 \g'FWKs'f'. Fail yYi . "d:., - _ 3mm" , l , r, , ,r_'l fix... it. ' . - ' Miiil i.' n 'lla, " 4; . I ,Nov.9.1977 Z " -.' e " wrt w . a...) iii,,, a ' 'd' Tr 'Vis " tiq le " as] - _-.--.--------- iiitEitili, I . ,),i'i'r l t.- "s? " C"i5, lit - _ .Z' "r," I8ll' "w'-'~a'* . ...... , ' - _ LN, 1llIll . ~ _' 2 f m"" e " . Bt _r'seTt',: rs _ emml 2 q l LT , " il ill f T NM "a tsm F9 ','.s,rr, ", . - ' - - "ltqtl , We» ""trieiNti h [Vi n . . =. - -IE, - .. C ' , . tidt'it _ - -» reel en . ' ' , " B, ME MN . ll ' 'll an"; imam". _ MII a E r: l, ' p V ' ,.M._ {a . 13' 'lElllllliI a IE il _ , 3 l" '", 'ii', Ir, " it" 't(iriai,-,j ByANNKELLY RR 2 Paisley is the alters to." IE .' tl LN ' " , I M ' a" ' l tci,' V tr, . 'all V,',..":,, g FamilylivingEditor nate. _ M f a, c-N KN' ' m'M. II t _ . ttse a l, , I w , FBI 4.? (rs. Francis Gemmell The report of . the a M%iim _ " iN , _ " ttl _',-. , t:ifi'i' e; '44 5*.;%;2':'~" , J; f L8 _ 1'th 'returned as president standing committee th .'4s'g6s'i _ " " " T r , k" 2.5 's', I.' V vr Ld f2 . 2'. t - \ y if. Grey-Bruce area convener-mr-pr-tad kr , M, t . b may? " r 21:53: ' ky' f . , Ki I . I , "eq i . A." man's Institute at the in the form of a debate. w5"'l.'€'f (tiit'i' Earl i, "sal'- " lug q _ , . " .. _c_ Mg, g, 'i ' ' V". ie: l annual convention Registration for the two- Br, biittiii.,t! Et " IS Li' 24:42:» ' kg, , ' , K , , 3% hi: y Kr l in Durham. The twm day convention totalled 731 a _ . titciri, .. . L9 9"": Melia ri:-"," ..- .t'A' . a" . , P.4 b's?j?5 convention concluded with Grey Centre district " ' 'rt,',) .2 if ku%t2, .1 Muse-"~22; V erm" s? e ' _ 2 "may afternoon. winning this year's at- iak) 9/2 - "1:; "\f- Wt. - Tv,, '2ii'i,', '.,,c, " Le: N tt "f ' l - " one: officers include iendance award. Both 5 , . 18 . I $F5"U',srt0)u'!, = 3 "r8tilgill seer; ri.";', -' \..\_ _ ' V \1 .1 " "Isl-president. Mrs. co. Bruce Centre and Grey V . '5an sa Fas), Mli1 x... "KK- 1"ctt?'"rr"i'tt'/ e' ,. . .\ c, al Mipe, Desboro; vice- Centre had all delegates in bw - "2 "fetid. 3 'i(7a' -":' l I we' "2' t _ _ _ . 'Nidents, Mrs. Kenneth attendance. There were 57 h." . - T, Iiilt' Ji? V5355; " .'e"T _ '. 2 _ l, "." . i. . t' '1 mos. Leith, Mrs. Harold Grey Centre visitors and 43 a T8il _' , a, UN lk ' 2 . 2 l '. _ .154 2"; , Ss, "P. 5- " Tse Arthur, Dobbinton and Bruce Centre visitors. The b . , " "T" t , c' . " w" HE'M' ', .' a. BC. Urstadt. Owen award was presented by VS " 2 , . T . T . M. - . q q md; secretary, Mrs. Mrs. Marie Kleges. C air, "a., ", l _. ". __ ' _,' =1 _ .. . mt Grieve, RR 2 Port Mrs. Francis Gemmell fr" . . . .. rn;astsistar1t,Mrs.Mmss was chairman for the d' _ . , . . .. ml, Box 1638 Moatord: morning session and Mrs. r ':i11'1nTl.,n's"'/1".t1t,uA1ftcl" asurer. Mrs. Orland Harold McArthur was ' WI REGISTRATION - The registration desk Mrs. E. G. Urstadt, Owen Sound; Mrs. H. McArth srm/gtrooti, Hanover: public chairman in the afternoon. I at 19th annual Women's Institute convention at Knox Dohbinton; Mrs. Ken Spence, Leith; and Mrs. "1te,tt,m'cneir.rr Riffs]- ll?" Ill le gnawgned f [inited Church in Durham was bu.sy. Monday. Left to Cemmell, president, Ripley. (,'l'llh., assistant. Mrs. 22d] branch if": 'J/C,' , right are: Mrs. Carl Klages, registration, Desboro; lan Whitney, RRzHolland craft table. htre. Conveners' displays, . Standing committee Tweedsmuir Histories and tveners are agriculture Bruce County tartan . d Canadian industries, display were set up for the ' -s. Carl Rourke, RR 1 bemsrst of delegates. _ . " . pworth; citizenship' and 1y,,yhy.5Ey:.Y. reality of, said MPS. not?" hust, church, brought -I'ld affairs. Mrs. Kem The 1978 convention will' Family LivingEditor Gemmell. The theme of the two day greetings. th B. Taylor, RR 1 be held in Southampton DURHAM -. "We can Reflscting on the SUC- convention was, "Our The morning session W33:mble; education and October 11 and 12. look back with pride on the cesses of the Women's dreams take on a softer conducted by Mrs. Francis'umal activities, Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Coxun _achievemenis of the Institute Mrs. Gemmell glow as the years roll back Gemmell with Mrs. Ken'chard Fidler, Holstein; was song-leader for the [Women's Institute. Some said, "These didn't happen to long ago." This year neih Spence. first vice- mily and consumer " two-day convention and said it would HBVBI' last, by chance. Women of great marks the Both anniversary president, conducting the irs, Mrs. Robert Mrs. George Maluske was but it has. NO other group talent and vision had of the founding of the t afternoon ststminn. Chmsts christ, RR 5 'Lucknow: pianist. has such far reaching dreams that there were Women's Institute. were welcomed from "rlutfons, Mrs. James I association around the places for women in the The past, present and Guelph end Simcoe rite. Box 1085 Meaford; world," Mrs. Francis scheme ofthings." future, with costumes for districts. T 'eedsmuir History Gemmell. prissident, told She challenged mem- each era. were reviewed Mrs. Nrcy Radbourne rater. Mrs. Percy 380 delegates and visitors hers, in 1977, to take a byMrs. IuneSparling. Mrs. presented the 'l1vtyise,t,1tiLGie, Owen Sound; to the Igth annual Grey- stand on issues including Graham Chambers and curtttor's 'ueport. The I'istant, Mrs. Victor Bruce Area Women's strengthening the family Mrs, William Middleton, junior institute report W33 arson. RR 3 Wingbam. l Institute convention. unit and pornography. Federated Women's given by Linda Tottenham: the auditors are Mrs l The two day convention. Mrs. Gemmell touched Institute of Ontario board North Grey Junior "as Milli d . .', . . _ , . gen an Mrs. held m Knox United on the past, present and directors. Womens Institute. The Shar a both of Church, Durham opened future of, Woman's Songs of a bygone era organization was char- rham p Monday morning. K Institute. "Our future were led by Mrs. Clarence I tered in Nov. 1974 with 10 "occluding her term as "The Women's Institute depends on new ideas and Coxon with Mrs. George members and now has a ;si dent of the Federated was founded in 1897, as an dreams," she said. In Maluske the pianist. membership of 31: Jmen's Institutes of educational organization, conclusion she quoted the The welcome, in poem "Dian: McCormick took itario is Mrs. Herb ,.hm.Ade1mdLHnndlnfln~n"d--~euw°¢'*"'"'1"'""""'n'""""f"j""""g_ I, -"T l, A Maluske who conducted "on; 9 "513131;: tiioymulr' n 72?." we c0110. 1'39 C:'l l, "j the election and in- ' stallation of ufr1rysrs. f my: the t}. 20. Mrs. Ken Spence was _ elected board director of subdivision 15 with Mrs. ' Carmen Hamill the I alternate. Mrs. Richard " Fenton RR 1 Port Elgin was i, acclaimed board director of subdivision is with Mrs. Harold Wolfe, RR 1 Dobbinton the alternate. ' Mrs. William Middleton, Box 569 Chesley is board director of subdivision 17 and Mrs. George Woelflss, I ---- I _