Arr' The May meeting of the ' Elmwood women's Institute was sSrqt held at the Library hall with Mrs. . Blanche Falkingham presiding. sdtrq Mrs. Helen Pratt read the scripture lesson from Psalm 17. gig? Roll call consisted of the ex- change of plants and slips. Six- sg'e teen members and six visitors . responded. ' The program of the 20th Grey y Centre District annual, to be held I at Stoddart Hall, Priceville, was - read and -disdussed,-with a r number of our members planning a tht to attend, wi; Fourteen visits were made to I sick and shut-ins during April. " Be Mrs. Mary Jackson and Mrs. C ral Marie Mauer will be the visiting id mi team in May. in' Current events were presented a vuj. by Mrs. Ivan Fidler. .' Mrs. Helen Taylor gave the " bir motto - Love is like paint, it Blt makes things beautiful when you C.", Mr spread it, but it just dries up 'me , when it isn't used. Love like true C" _. T, paint,has to be given special care J M and the beauty will shine. We --, ma should strive to spread our love " tha instead of keeping it bottled up Bit within us and letting it dry out " ger and harden. Several of Alic bus McChace's poems were read by 9 futi Mrs. Falkingham. poe Mrs. Georgina Fizell and Mrs. "K 11 Mary Jackson, two capable s. Mr, auctioneers, conducted the my. successful sale, with bidding " 1.t.hi brisk and many bargains ob- Fiz tained. ' Mrs A Nove hnm