. . -. - _ . V. . ,, e. _-.-----'--"---------- "rm.--"'"'.-""- ---- H" --'%-r---r-""""-r_-. - "s-""-"'-""""""'-"""'"-"-""---""-""), , I L " 33111 3 J ) - WEW/ AUGUST g r V . '! r" .f - } Too DON'T TI? TIIE FDR CDHMUVITY ECTIVITES, YOU srl) IT . f ,i. Community activites are all around:. us. But according i to ctnt.isir.iucs, people ere bikam into three Categories. i I 20% who make the time, 40% who take the time because i the 20% drive then to it; end the other 40% who i never do anything to help. 5 So we find that two people out of' every ten people, ; besides the job of..' chasing after four other peeple i i to help them, have to do all the work. t"' , 0f ejusse this is always cloaked Jr hidden under the f tpiaseof..' a club or 1odce or s>ne other organization; 5 which gets all the glory when things are a success. 5: But if it is a failure, who gets the blame? Certainly ',"s, V" not the organiztion. Oh no- it's the 2% who just i didn't do enough of something or anather to make every l . this come out successful. f Then if there is a good sun made and turned over to j r the cammunity, who gets the thanks and big write ups in g- - . I . l the gaoers? Not Joe Make it or Jack Take it but the t . . i' organization. L . _ . , -L..fi.. . q . i Belive it, it 18 a Thankless task, And the people {a . . . 5 . : who make the time de-ee- to do coumunity activites it are rnal unsung heroes, for you find them always there. if So you see if yhu waited to take the time to do g; these things theywould never be done. You have to i/j- ill-I make the time. 'il.'-'.' ' it 1,94 1, i' m: l-J kn