Lad . I . 1 y gives ta k on Hone B th t a _ _ q y eesa mee mg ngg . The monthly meeting of the out scrape out not pullout as it ingtalk and . . , ' . presented her with a 2ueeiyct1'gi,'t"d Oct. 2 In the may break off and .worst part gift. Mrs. .Fi.dler presented each I President Mrs. Jame R remains. Put raw onion on, member with a small bottle of o d h '. 5 oss Mrs. McKinnon, gave some honey. 1:5}: toe meeting with the very informative current events. Meeting closed with. Queen, C llute de and Mary Stewart Mrs. Clayton Schaus thanked institute Grace and a Cup of tea u lect. Answer to our roll call Mrs. Fidler for her View interest- and lunch was A recipe using Honey. _ ' . We were sorry the converioi- of ' "'--------- the topic Agriculture and Cana. . dian Industries Mrs. Eber Jack- _ son was not able to be with us as . She is a patient in Owen Sound WI g d t I d hospital. . ur e o ea consumers Our ' . . . Ivan F511;? (Spglze'ix'gf I: Members ot the Women's bag totry and piteitttwl.t.1tis stand each other and our Fidler gave a very inlewmnu t m; Ps.tithtt.fa_n play a mayor role going to happen. it you listen roles." on the habits and a at T , . In bringing agricultural pro- to the media youd mink . . Hone Bees Shclw "' _ tt "L "I ducers and the consumer to- pmducers and consumers are The Ontario Federation of _ li by , i you tl .t box or gether for mutual understand, the worst enemies in the Agriculture has begunapublie we ees with hun and demon» I mg, Guelph Area W1 world. relations program to close the _ t.ytef them at tit-rt. The Quucu '. convention was told in Kitch- F "It's not so. But we need to gap of understanding between Bee 15 YOU host. She lays out~ ener. get together, know and under. producers and consumers. egg a nttttntt du, and night, 'I'uu Peter Hannam, of Route 2, hundred thousand " Je'itl'. Guelph, vice-president of the Pt":, Flilll'l"\ rented} for " lieu _ Ontario Federation of Agricul- __ stint: is ht- sure aud gm "mum. tore, who farms 600 acres of . . cash grain crops and pedi- greed seed, told 300 delegates _ meeting at Bingeman Park Chesle q Lodge, that consumers must learn some vital facts about .. farming. "Rwy need taste told w ' I tit t _ I the sto o armin an some Women's Institute of its glfplgflll'l' the hard omen s " I ll e work, long hours and risks. The theme for the February 31:}; l'sgniégsbsriogglltilrfe'igrl}; _ The Chesley Women's Institute meeting was education and t fair and just g held monthlymccting. November cultural activities. "Food iriiis are the result 9 III form of a "Fur night and There was a very good attend- not the cause of Inflation. Ont; auction tea". A short business ance, with several visitors. A hour'slaborbyanyworkercan I meeting was held by President letter from the provincial presi- still buy the best quality food," i Mrs. Jas. Russ. dent, Mrs. Herb Maluske, was' he said. "The Canadian con- On November 9 and IO Mrs. read. Itwasdecidedtobring used sumer spends less of take. Clayton Schaus and Mrs. lvur stamps to the next meeting. The home pay on food than In any Phillips attended a short course paper Should be soaked off them. . other country except the Unit. on "Needle Point for beginners." They will be sent to the Stamp ed States." First day in Hepworth and second Stall at the A.C.W.W. Confer. Mr. Hannam. who has been day in Park Head. Instruction ence, Nairobi, Kenya, with 25 working in farm organizations ' classes will be held early in the different stamps in each packet. for eight years, Wes pr.esidtnt new year. Dates will be given Convenor of Education and dithe'Rural Learning ASSOClae later. Cultural activities, Mrs. Ivor. tion m. 1967; head. ot the Our Branch sponsered two girls Phillips, spoke on the history of P_rottssio.el Agrologtsts Soot- in Public Speaking Contest on _ macrame,and the two main types 'g, m Je'; the Wilma?!" Farm Safety and were very of knots used: the half hitch and WHEY e4era 'll' 0 _ galch- grateful to Mr. Gordon Alexander the square knot. Exam I f tum m 197 ' an recerve t e for his ltel in re arin these p es 0 tom Bank of Montreal Cen. . p p p g .these could be seen in very tehnial Award after which he girls, Janet McDougal and Carol interesting display of articles; travelled to centres in North Walke, for Contest. Contest was wall hangings, plant hangers, America studying use of night held in Brant Central School in bags, belts, neck pieces, etc. schools. I Walkerton. Mrs. Phillips also commented on Citing the "bountiful role Achievement DAy for Girls 4H a display of needlepoint articles farmers have played," he said Clubs will be held. created by the group who have. most urban dwellers never ' Answer to our Roll call was Just completed the short course in have had to worry about food "bring something to sell". _ needlepoint for beginners. A and its cost. "Bat from now on Thanks It) generous contributions l summary day will be held in we'll be more concerned be, T by members and visitors we Hepworth on March 16. cause of shortages of fuel and received n sum of 78 for our crop surpluses. Ws a mixed Branch. Mrs. J. J. McKinnon , -eFV i - acted as Auctioneer in her usual humorous manner and Mrs. Jas. ' _ Copp. Mrs. Wm. Miskie, Mrs. i I W. Woods and Mrs. C. Fraser V ' delivered the goods to the buyers. Meeting closed with lunch and _ _ social half hour.