', EsiAi-2- l . WI wants crackdown on smut 1' By LYNDA COATES award 25 scholarships valued well as from other centres in nancial statements for the 14 I Renard Staff Writer at $100 each to applicants en- the province, will be exhibit. branches, receipts totalled . CAMBRIDGE - Members tearing family and consumer ing and demonstrating the 524,385 and expenditures were li. the Federated Women's ln- studies at the University of making of corn husk dolls, $15,834. Public relations dona- [ stitute of Ontario (FWIO) com Geulph. cake decorating, weaving, pa- tions were $7,022 and covered cur with Ontario Attor- She announced that Kathy pier macho, wood carving and education, health, community , ttey-General Roy MeMurtry's Sellers of Wellesley had been canning at the home during' and chairitable projects. crackdown 0t1 pornography. awarded the Florence P. the weeblong celebrations. Mrs. Wallace Knapp oi . In her report to the 73rd an- Eadie Scholarship. :I'he award The home was purchased by Cambridge was reelected dis- nual South Waterloo District is given to a 4-H girl continu- the FWIO in 1972. Mrs. Austin trlct president. other officers Women's Institute meeting ing studies beyond high school S. Zoeller of New Hamburg is reelected include Mrs. Hom . here Wednes da y , Mia. and having personal and ac> chairman of the Me home ard Fried of New Dundee and Clarence Diamond of New demie qualifications. committeeJ Mrs. J. D, Moore of Cam- l gembgl'gaii'wm hoard direc- Mrs. Diamond reminded In the financial statements bridge, vicepresidentS; Mrs. to. to d creates the provm- members that May 31 to June for the district body, receipts Milton Luft of New Hamburg, . cial body ls advocatmgdhat 4is 1rtpritAEo1riirn'rs-mmTre, totalled $4,748, including $681 seeretattreasurer, and Mrs. _ all il-d-gl-bs-a-lit).-','-'),?-'],'-,')'-"-'-']): "TWfiifratthF. TrTGirEaniaisie from Doon Pioneer Village John Graham 0f Cambridge, 1),fi,-,rv-,-t/reir-r--st-i-'i-'iii-iii-Ciit Money Cfak-TvTitjnymii, projects and $639 from a nu- assistant seereary. l y_1!Lllre8. aiirsf'saiin-irTa first lye tritlon education campaign. Mrs Diamond who is past other rmiitions proposed maT's-Tn7trtiTiriirTeriirrTtTG in Expenditures were $2,928 president of the, district will l by The FWIO at the group's 181) . ---------- and included a $210 donation remain as delegate to, the SGT-WWI: nIIeeting1 din Jt (C Infinite membgrs irom to the Erland Lee home. FWIO with Mrs. W. E. Doerr rune in ri mccue 3 am n e an L adyertising 12,, aleholie ide,). Wflm I ages seTEijFeirTiiFitatTih' srr_frrLigev_iisidir;" 1rid%fiiiiil bus drivers be iillxdLTiiTifEftfie 119mm 1tu_t1lecsst vehicles T that pas?a school bus when 18 Wednesday, June 22, 1977 "I? 113515 L1ijsr_lrjii9jLiEE {Hit 'iis-5fii)/irpr2-,'i'i-ii,vri-u] the Kit V ee ion _0_) Cpliria7jyJjigifiiirr; , . tTiirtersTiifi6ii" -ii1filJiLCthe I uiir?ir mmfigflmfi l Chesley Women 8 Institute ship; (ir.tiL1r'iiitljitj,tjjiigiiis" or . . _ lafiEur'cst's'mTi'sgllell--go§glj:}%r§:hr§§a l The ladies of the Chesley Area Convention to be held in irairTfrGiiiiirf. --rw--V-e---t Women's Institute held an Durham on November 7 and 8, in ftiFiiiiGrt to the district q enjoyable picnic in the Chesley with Grey Centre as hostess. The meeting, which was held at Park on June 14, for their June district Annual will be held in St. Jolul's On-The-Hill United meeting. The weather was ideal. Chesley in 1978. Hours for open Church, Mrs. Diamond also Mrs. Ivor 1N1illips presided for the house at the Museum in told delegates from 14 area meeting in the absence of the Southampton are in July and l branches that the FWIO will president, Mrs. J. Ross. August 10am. to 5p.m. Craft l .--- g I An interesting report of the days at the Mg Cabin open hours _ _ W.I. Conference held in the will be 11a.m. to 4.30pm. T University Waterloo, Waterloo on l _ May 3,4,5, 1977. There were The Tartan group of the l about 500 members present and ploughing match committee has _ she explained how these were established a Mind, the interest allocated to different groups to be given to some boy or girl 16 Each group convened with a to 30 years of age who continues l chairlady and the results were to further his education in his ', ' _ brought back to the general chosen work. _ assembly. She said she had . _ gained many ideas and hoped to The Fall Rally will be held in - be able to make use of some of Paisley. them in the work of the local Institute. They also had abus trip The election of officers was I and delicious meals. Allin all, she conducted by Miss Barbara enjoyed the conference very DeVisheres, Home economist for _ much. Bruce. A report of the district Annual . F held in Walkerton United Church The committee for recreation was given by Mrs. James Copp. for our picnic were Mrs. Me Mrs. Wm. Miskie presided for Strucke, Mrs. H. upside. and this meeting at which over 100 Mrs. K. Thompson. We enjoyed members were present. Greet- different contests and some very 7 ings were brought from the amusing jokes were told. A l F.W.I.0. President, Mrs. Herb reading was given by Mrs. . Maluskie and the F.W.I.O. Board Strucke. of Director, Mrs. Frances Middle- A delicious Smorgasbord sup- ton.Intheannouncements for the per was enjoyed and all went coming year, these were includ- home feeling they had a _ ed. delightful afternoon in the park. - _--------------------------, l I b