F-'---" ,7 777 - v7 ___ -_, _ CONVENORS q . S tiirih-sl Agriculture and Canadian lrr B ru ce C e n tre D I stri ct dustries, Mrs. Jack Mewhinney, R.R.2 Paisley; Citizenship & World w _ , I 0 Affairs, Mrs. Jack Gingrich, R.R.1 o m e n S n stitu te ---- q-'e - Southampton; Education & Cultu- Mrs. Pollock welcomed the ral Activities, Mrs. Geo. McCarrell The Allenford Women's Insti- the improvements made at the guests. Mrs. Miskie, President of R.R.1 Port Elgin; Family & tute members welcomed the Bruce Erland Lee Home. The importance Bruce soLt7GGiFiir%TtTrEraar Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Roswell Centre District Women's Institute ofthe Pennies for Friendship. Quilt a verse' Just, a little more'. She Smith, R.R.1 Allenford; Resolu- to the Allenford United Church for blocks are to be sent to the Erland introduced her secretary, Mrs. tions, Mrs. Wesley Nelson, Box the Twentieth Annual Meeting. Lee Home with all directions to be McKay; Mrs. A. Klages brought 132 Port Elgin; Scholarship, Mrs. Miss Carol Baux was the Song sold. Mrs. P. B. Ford ofPort Elgin greetings from Bruce North; Mrs. Harold Simpson, R.R.2 Tara; Leader and Mrs. Harold Foreman sang two delightful solos accompa- Ireland, President of Bruce, South Alternate, Mrs. Gordon Monkman, pianist forthe singsong. Mrs. Geo. nied by Mrs. Stelling. Mrs. H. introduced her secretary, Mrs. R.R.l Dobbinton; Museum, Mrs. Pollock, President-presided for the Foreman gave the Curator's Maiden and read a poem 'You are Geo. MacAuIay, Southampton; opening Ode & Mary Stewart Report, Mrs. Gowanlock spoke on richer to-day than you were Bruce County Tartan, Mrs. John Collect. Mr. Courtney welcomed the Hobby Fair and hours for yesterday if'. MacKenzie, R.R.3 Tiverton; Alter- the Ladies and Mrs. Richard assistants at the Bake Table were A delicious salad plate with pie nate, Mrs. Jack Ribey, Paisley; Fenton thanked Mr. Courtney far given. Mrs. Geo. MacAulay of the and beverage was few" by the Rally Third Vice Chairman, Mrs. his good wishes. Mrs. Harry Museum Committee reported on ladies of the United Church. Richard Fenton,R.R.INrt Elgin; Kennedy, secretary-treasurer read the branches who are to do crafts at During the lunch hour, the ladies Nominations, Mrs. Goe. Pollock, the minutes of the last Annual and the Museum. The new museum is visited the Bruce County Tartan Mrs. Harold Wolfe, Mrs. Borden the District Director's meeting. tomne 17th. The Roll Call table where many attractive pieces Fenton; Hubby and Craft Fair, Provincial Board Director. Mrs. was answered by 'An amusing ofjewellery and the new cues and Mrs. Maurice Gowanlock, Mrs. Graham Chambers ratified the incident at a W.l. meeting and the saucers and other mugs, pi.tcher.s Harold McArthur, Mrs. Richard District Directors of the 12 donation of 'Pennies for Friend- etc. were for sale. The Tweedsmuir Fenton; and Auditors, Mrs. L. branches. Mrs. Pollock spoke on ship'. Mrs. Coyne, Rally Chairman District book was on display and Broadfoot and Mrs. R. MCKCCH' the theme 'Let's aim to make the announced the date for the Rally is Mrs. Chambers had a di.splay or W _ work of our Women's Institute October 21st at Underwood Com- Women b' Institute magar11zes and better known in our District'. munity Centre with the theme 'The articles. . _ Miss Barbara Devisscher, Home gift of laughter'. Mrs. Pollock The afternoon session opened Economist spoke on the 4-H and introduced the new President, Mrs. with Sing Along. Mrs. Harold said the project 'Let's bake bread' Harold Simpson. Mrs. Harvey McArthur of Mount. Hope branch had hit and all time high in Weppler presented Mrs. Pollock gave the In Memoriam. Scripture completions. The coming project is with a gift in appreciation of her by Mrs. Hubcrol Southampton and ' 'Clothes fur Leisure'. There were twoyears as President. West Arran Prayer by Mrs. Kent Lamont of 75 ladies attended the 'More about branch gave the Courtesy remarks South Saugccn brunch. Mrs, nutrition' evenin held at He . andthe meeting of 105 ladies came Graham Chambers presided over worth. Mrs. Maurice Ziowanlock toaclose. the Election of officer's and gave reported on the Mficer's Confe- The slate of Officers and Convenors hcr Provincial report. She spoke ol l rence held in University of for 1976-1977 Cl " PW Past President, Mrs. Geo or sen iar-lts-ru1utlt9ttttrjit Pollock, alas Paisle ; President, _ I?.a.l,i4?-7.rkwrtht branch put on a Mrs. Harold Simpson?! R.R.2 Tara; . skit 'Hiring a Housekeeper' which lst Vice Pres., Mrs. Harvey With the Institutes was thoroughly enjoyed by every- Weppler, R.R.2 Port Elgin; 2nd one. The converters gave one Vice Pres., Mrs. P.B. Ford, Box land June 20 in 24. highlight of their reports - 394 Port Elgin; 3rd Vice Pres. The Grey-Bruce ancns lnsti- Mrs. Herb Maluskc, president~ Agriculture - Gardening; Citizen- Mrs. Borden Fenton R.R.3 Allen: tulc area board meeting was held of Federated Womens Institute oi 'tti, The eyes ofthe world are on ford; Secretary<Treasurer Mrs. la CTN" ',tne'yrrii"l church. Ontario will b8 a gucLstwon Bill anada this year because of the . V . l _ 105 " oy unc ' _ ' Thomsnns .. pen n K Olympics; Education - Review of tt'f"it',icsvti1"t"Jiy,t?r'yu,th;ps' Je/piieen,t,ieetrit,friu/cli2', $1205. , (Brig ,Sglmd July b. , . . . , . t , : um. l a. . 1t2n,'Ll';1s)at,u,,ty 1Tl,1zl,,ti,,0,'l', Clarence Faust, R32 Port Elgin; rgpcating of the Ode and Mary ; 'i'L'1cC' closed, with singing of Affairs _ Mahy talks and F P.R.O., Mrs: Maurice Gowanlock, Stewart collect. . l hymn of all nations: _ . qurzs on R.R.l; Assistant P.R.0., Mrs. Roll call was answered by all the Metric system; Resolutions - Arnold Misch, R.R.1 Dobbinton; present giving their name and What you approve or disapprove 9f Tweedsmuir Curator, Mrs. Harold office held. m advertisements. Sl 1131.100?" Foreman, Allenford; Assist. Cura. Final plans were criniglcltcildlol; reporting. Mrs. Steeves of Port tor Mrs. Chris Beatty R.R.2 thcarca conventionio c to n =et----.s. . . ' , . ' if,ttst,1t',,.tr/:,i,'t':i,ig, t its: A.llentrd; Federated l5eprs.ey.ta- 2,:v,,u/'gs),'iYJ1t." _turc..h' at the Nodwell Indian site ngs tlve, Mrs. Harold Wolfe, Dobbin. Each branch is responsible tor Earl Busch reported on "1;: /t5C, ton. Alternate, Mrs. Allan Craw: $3.00 donation to be brought in ford, R.R.1 Southampton. the convention. Cih%TCr'rmrtT'Gr-i7sEgtrmie a A number of ladies from the ty,Eirif.Esir."tr3jyEEtrirtEgrgEu Co" N / E a/ ' Is Grey-Bruce area will be unending 1e8ilyidibtrrjyjitLtLtJiCs1..gt)TyiL D the' National Convention in yes-n-ly-e/Perle-l-fi/Fiji! the I L'harlcttown Prince Edward Is- Tartan Committee. Bruce County council has been repaid their_lpen. ' T #--