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'lli5N 4: {Q .30le Mrs. Donald Cameron, of Tiverton, and Mrs. Donald Blue, of County tartan at the arts and crafts sale held in cont:11"' Ripley had a beautiful display of articles featuring the Bruce with Town ant) Country Day. K I t? on I'd i t? e, " 'A)l. Mrs. Myrtle Helm had prepared _ the motto "Good Citizenship is Earned, not Inherited" and Mrs. Sam Gibson read it. A lovely duet . . .was sung and acted by Anne and 5 Kathy Hamilton with their mother, Mrs. Bruce Hamilton, at the piano. -e _ This was enjoyed very much. The guest speaker for the _ Gladys Arnold M w kl ) evening, Mrs. Wm. Arnold from addresses Kincardine WI rs. m. Arno Ripley, was introduced by Mrs. . The December meeting of the Kincardine [ Alex McNay. She spoke on the . Women's Institute w h 1d I was WI Speaker Bruce County Tartan. Bruce IS the . _ as e at the home of . . ' Mrs. Fraser Farrell. The 'd t, only county in No.rth America to l . Freda Jacob opened the m p:e51 etit' Mrs. '77 have a tartan registered m Scot- Opening Ode, Mary Stewarte: fig with the Lucknow Women's Institute held , land. She also spoke on the selling Lord's prayérA 0 eat and the their. "381313" nfleetinghon Monday ofjewellery, spoons and dishes, so N . . , evening, une , int e Assembly many ways the tartan has been m,'s".'si/e1"re.r"rcr: éze .scrlpture and IBloom. As the hostess, Mrs. Myrtle used in souveneirs, etc. There is to Mrs. Mary Norman A ad th rlStmas Story. elm, was unable to be present, be a South Bruce day at thei . previous meetin ea e minutes of the owmg to an unfortunate accident, plowing match where clothing I The roll callgwas Si S . Mrs. Grace Campbell and Miss made from the tartan are to be, 17 me b .ng, ay or Ptvhich E.li.z.a.beth Robinson prepared a modelled. She also spoke of the d m ers answered with lovely readings delicious lunch which they served me _ 3 l ik. Tlevli,rj'/1'(',i DMrs. Jacobs and the group sang following the singing of the nice people she has met thro' the ir,,).,-.?.,',), H "L ve a,y,e of Christmas and Mrs. Sola Institute Grace. There were 20 selling 'of the souveneirs. She is a 1"}; pig: played Star of the East" on the members and 5 visitors present. very busy woman and we all I . Mrs. Armstron Wilson, the _ . . " . s,-" if . fyest speaker was Mrs. Gladys Arnold from president, welcomged the visitors . 1 'el'l",'clh1pel' toaiilsng time to 1 L "i-', Ripley who gave a very. interesting talk on and 'members and opened the Mrs. Armstrong Wilson thanked t e Bruce Tartan and Its history. She dis- meeting with the,0de-and Mary Mrs. Arnold and resented h _""" ' played a beautiful tartan corsage which Stewart Collect. Mrs. Berti with a gift Mliss Elizabete}: COSt $3.50. A number of the Kincardine Gammie read the correspondence l Robinson gave a readin entitl d members purchased Bruce Tartan pins and and gave a financial report. Mrs. 3' "Life's Road" We had g rt e . pendants. George Kennedy gave the cheerio the District . Annual "maids "ant Before closing the meeting with The Queen, report. Whitechurch May 18 Mrs members had an exchange of gifts. A delic- T A donation has been asked for George Kennedy reported on the ions lunch was served by Mrs. F. Farrell and and votedon to help with prizes for A.M. There was122 present Mrs _ Mrs. Oscar Norman. the best looting home in Bruce in , Grace Campbell gave the re ort'for . The next meeting will be held January 9 at connection with the plowing match. the P.M. Theme of the 'dl1rlif, the home of Mrs. May Subject. Dec I 7 Ps- A cash donation was sent to the _ was "Faith for the future" Mrsg ' ' museum in Southampton in place l Alex McNay gave the paper she of workers going for cleanup gave as roll call on the "Ori in of purposes, Lucknow Institute was I Lucknow". g t invited to a Tartan Tea in Ripley Mrs. Grace Campbell led in a iLegion Hall. It was in aid of floyer contest, which was much i Kincardine Hospital. A bus trip enjoyed. After. the courtesy was discussed and held over until remarks the meeting closed with' _ picnic day, which is June 29 in the Royal Anthem. - T Kincardine. A donation is to be - sent to the school for retarded _ children in Wingham. . The program on Citizenship was _ opened with a poem, Magic of a V Friend. A sing song followed with _ Mrs. Mary McGillivray at the piano. '