| \/(_,1f3 BRIEF HISTORY OF S, S, NO. 1, JOHNSTON®S--CORNER SCHOOL The school in School Section No. 1 Brant has always been known as Johnston's Corner School, It took its name from Mr, Wm. Johnston or "King" Johnston as he was called in pioneer days, who entered Brant Township in May, 1849, and took up land on Lots 5.6 and 7. In 1854 Mr. Johnston erected a tavern on the corner, Mr, Johnston's son, Nathaniel, ' was the first white boy born in Brant in June, 1850, . The first school was a log structure built on the Johnston farm, This school was | used until there were too many pupils for it and then schoold was held in an old hall at the corner, A few years later a stone school was built at the foot of the hill, a short distance east of the corner, This stone school was used until 1937 when on the morning of January 6th, it was completely destroyed by fire. School was held in the farm home | of Mr. William Wangler, nearb& until the new school, a fine modern brick building was ready for use in September,1937 . The school was governed as were all the other schools in Brant by a School Board of three Trustees and a Secretary--Treasurer until 1946, when all the schools of Brant were combined to form the Brant Township School Area, A school Board of five trustees and a secretary--treasurer have charge of all the schools in Brant. The first school area board consists of the following trustees@, Mr. A. Milne, Elmwood, Mr. R Long, Walkerton, Sec. Treas,. is Mr. Wm., McIntyre. Vera Abell and Mr, J. A, Hay of Walkerton were among the first music teachers in Brant Township Schoolsé Mr. Bruce Nuhn of Chesley was engaged as music teacher to | replace Mr, Hay in September, 1952 followed by Mr. Murdock Beaton in September ,1956 In 1957 Mill Muilywck followed Mr. Beaton, In September,1958, Mrs Matthias followed ' until 1966, when Mrs. Becker was engaged. The inspectors were as follows: Mr. Clendénning was inspector for many years, followed by Mr, McCool in 1906 . Mr. Game inspected the schoold from 1937 until his retirement im March, 1959. On March 1l16th,1959, Mr. Game set out on his world tour. On April 16,1959, Mr. Game died in Madrid, Spain, and was buried in the British Cemetery there . on April 17 ,1959. There was a memorial service in St. Paul's United Church,Walkerton, Sunday. April 26th,1959 | Mr. Game's Assistants were A,A.Gilroy,1945--1954. Clyde Evans,1954 1955 MR Houghman, 1956--1957, and Mr. G. Simpson and S, MacInnis.