w10 ' mnmsnthoume oo e ioi oee en oeamen ie ce n eb ooo § l 2 | BRANT--GREENOCK WOMEN«S_INSTITUTE,. | f Brant--Greenock Women's Institute was organized on May 26, 1964 with a group of fifteen | ladies who lived on either side of the Brant--Greenock Township Line attending, By the end 7 é of the first year, enrollment had risen to twenty~six, Now, in 1979, there are nine of ; these ladies still active Women's Institute members, } The first President was Mrs, Wayne Porter and Secretary~Treasurer was Mr§,Cameron ! Taylor, . i On May 17, 1973, the ladies organized a bus trip to Kitchener visiting MacKenzie i King's home, Doon Pioneer Village, and Fairview Plaza, i Our tenth anniversary was held on May 28, 1974, at Mrs, Ernie Tolton's with some j charter members joining in the celebration, ; In 1977, Brant--Greenock Women's Institute hostessed the Bruce East District i Annual on our anniversary, May 26th, marking the occasion with birthday cake and ice % cream, 6 | Over these fifteen years, we have learned a lot, enjoyed other's fellowship, 4 | and sponsored nufiherous 4--H Clubs as well as some swhort courses and senior training E school. Members have gone on bus trips, enjoyed films and guest speakers on everything . ; from food to health to travels around the world, Family picnics and potluck suppers ; have proved to be an enjoyable method of visiting. ; Our community activities have included canvassing for cancer and arthritis:; i giving gifts to Brucelea Haven, have supplied lunch booths at farm sales, and E quilting in order to send the proceeds to Participation Lodge, Flesherton, ; In the Womens Institute we are friends and neighbours concerned about those . ; around us. As a whole, our voices"in the Institute speak for the safety. health, % and welfare of those around us. "For Home and Country'. | | | % § | | | | | 3. ommmaiioomenen oi e e n s e ie o + en t n 3 oo i d s en en en e on c in in nineinene + -- ons repannimennaie ons s ues