aniai' 3 4 °P VOIERACNC HEE We CCE o ces 30 Cuvaii uce o. 0. ) Nb MAHeTMPUinaiNink Le. L + 70 HBOCAIT Waie cOe saorerac im ner arven sns Lo in m n m e c on o on m en e snn ongl :'x'td'vlmipod.ltownme find lay out \ y e villago lots. Mr. Henry Irwin % '6 \} \"' \ 1J drovo the first team o:yhorses' into Belmore, when he' was| working on the construction of s road from Seaforth to Belmore. Two of our older citizens, Mr. [Ioha Fitch and Mr, Wm., Mun» @ e c----rsmmam--w------o--w------_-------------------- i deil remember working the fields H'STORY o &7§E cA with a yoke of oxen. * oD E ~ &# E-MORE * * Belmore, within its limits, has «omm fovrmme ns mrerervreremoetrom oo en omm mm e mm mm omemmmm mm no council, but it is under the , f :. authority of the surrounding COMMUNITYIS . SITUATED. IN\ . | Mss soecroane 1 e PQRUPC: a R Abintrél * people go to four different polling 20 ' es mas divislons to vote. COUNTIES. AND FOUR TWPS. | EsE Befef oo ns y ts -- *' tlg: »"ar names 0 ie first counc enc mmmmammm=® 5. 000 S' @G--z--xzxzr zx nrnemcie=---- [ Howlok in 18050; RCCVO HC * ta.l':mw hlstotl'y of Bblmgge as | tercups, and pussy--willows in the'Smith Esq.; Oonn'cmors Mltchzfls: se 1 S Hamm n ve uns Savee fot e io n erioniny . me more had a » * Ctiaite 10. stuated _ on ieR ons ht t ols n | enorirom,oiraces cHesigiy ofi boundary line between Bruce w::"; ::;:t .S?Jppom':igflc";fl.el,f Fischer, Sethmlgzgers.o s\ovg: Mc: and l:;rqn Oo;tr;ttles. and Culross®, |the CPR railway turned west and | Vicar, P. M. McVicar and A. wc"" » no"l;'l ta""d'--mb"fl'y went to Wingham -- instead of | Diemert. wnships. stance 45 'miles | north to Belmore as was at first| _ Counncil for Culross, 1850, tak-- 'from Goderich, 81 miles from|expected. The new 'industries|®n from Bruce History, M. ;g'?:ltl(t'erft:;n and 16 miles -- from naltnrag)y lollov;:d :he ral:wag to R:g'?!;o 'gr:: reeve of Culr't')rss; ' * other towns. the early days eor atson, trensurer; ni. It contains three stores, On@|am1 the freight and merchandiso| McKenize, Thos. Malonoy, John saddler 'shop, three boot @And|pad to be brought by team and|G!lroy, Alex Ross----Council. In shoo stores, two blacksmith|steighs or wagons from the rail-- 1871 tho ratepayors voted, grant»-- shops, one tannery, one tailOr | way, Now in 1955 most of the|INg a bonus of $43,000 to the: al;:[;éron: wagon sho'p, one CAT--|goods come in by trucks. ;ll'oronto. Grey and Bruce raillway,, P Ohmwcsh .o p:'\Vcsleyan Methodist Stovrckeepers where H. Press is etlle l:mil:'z': Bfl&l'fifs t.:'al::i.\mn l:r:llv. Church" i)ullt in 1861; minister now located: Lowry and Rogers, nearoeat to liclmoro with 3 tatd n \Riov. J. Hough * Puncan McDonald,; Mr, McBach--|;}"[jooningay, _ a atation Post Offico catablished 1857; | Sm Wm. Powoll, Lace WalkOt| C oounell for Turnberry "24¢ | Win. Mallough, Henry -- Thomp-- ounell for Turnberry, 1837, ndmo of first postmaster, F.----W. aon, Hoenry Johann, John Gowd taken from Huron Atlas of 1879; Irwin; asaistant, Jolin Moffat. Gco'rg«- Hc';' d.. l';ornc; Evans, Harryy' Reevo, Samtuel Blilanck;\ Council-- Siitas Cns siiariyinciat ) To ,, Aheve 1| WPsaom nerme pose reash Seaforth 11 o'clock a.m.; despat-- Some of the early truckers If C illaisnbitviet ied 'clock a.m.: e!the village were George Herd, 5. W Pt e O fln *+mi P 1vers021® | Fyis.ins, Jim McNell, and in 1088 vescace s 00008 Alphabetical list of professions, | G°OrZC Merkley. bought a truck trades and-- Co. 1868:-- Belmore |and bullt stock yards and weigh Hotel, Thomas Chambers, prop--|Scales, and started ; trucking the rietor; Adam Bone, shoe store; | farmers' stock to the railway or Isaac Davidson, blacksmith: John | the City market. ; Before this Giffin, pearlash maker; . Joseph|timeo the farmers had to ..@ive Hamilton, ashery; John KHamil. | their cattle to the nearest railway ton, merchant; Archibald Hues. |station, which had 'been sold to ton, labourer; George Hutchison, | & drover. Others to follow .' this tailor;. Francis Irwin, Postmaster | trade were Jack Fitch, !?flrold and commlssionrr' for taking af. | Findlay, and K. C. Press,'who fidavits; Thomads 'Irvig;' H. P.|owned and operated two trucks 'Jackson, -- blackemith;;,; Richard |and a largo tractor-trall?r..:x. C. :Jones, pearlash maker; Robert |Press sold his trucking 'busincess Melon, blacksmith; John Laman--|to Mr. Struthers of, Culross, in by, tavern keeper; Joseph, Len.| November 1058B, . . ;3 .. _ / nox, boot and shoe maker; Sa--| -- Gceorgeo MerKlcy .operates. the muel McLanc, wagon maker;|garage and servico 'station, also Cantlion and Moffat, general| has farm machinery Sgales and merchants; Moffat, Erwin and|service. Mr. E. Merkley is the Cantion, makers of improved | present moechanio for the garage.. 3 washing machine; David Rush,| -- Mr. Fdward Lawrence has been carpenter and buildep:; Peter Tor--|very auccessful in tenpping and | riff, shoe shop; D, Thompson, | hunting along the' cfeeks, in Bol-- | drog and grocery store; Jos.| more and comntunity idr many Thompson, saddlery and harness; | years. C e § AH 0 ' Traveliers' Rest,' Archibaid Docke--| Mr. Henry _Joha,mis';,t'he agent | xteadep;/.;... proprietor; ° Joseph | for., genoral, Ingurafi¢e."., uch as \ whvi Wipieataltinenin, tpptdiutite, 4 iali c NbTDNEE abd auto-- | shoo thaktep. ~~ + «4* * PCPR ofl?.'""'"" PE ENS "Abiige. «ww -- -- +5 ' Belmore since 1863 Mr. and Mrs. Davidson aro tho Belmore, an unique lMttle mu--|local agents for the Routh Brucé nicipality . has the . ction of | Rural 'Telephone Oo& > t being situated in twoicountles |. In the Hnron Gazetteer we wet | and four townships. Ithas been | the information that Mr. John likened to the hub of 'a'whecl}, | Lamanby owned the taverm in with good roads lceading out to |1802. He sold this hotel in 1901 the 'larger towns. It is protected |to J. Kirby who owned it until from the western gales by a hill, | 1914 when it caught fire and and 'a small river flows on up |burned down. It was not re-- porth through tho village, . and | buillt.© Mr. Jno. Marshall® owned 'on its banks the frogs and birds |and oporated a hotel for many sing forth their welcome. to |years on the Culross 'corner.--'He spring. The children play and |died around 1917, and the mo-- fish in tho water and gather but-- | ther and family moved, with the °