: m wrssitpillkE t * : $ nsl _ _ _ e C /j.'l/e '27.[.& I GCOI_'ge.McKce. The meeting closed She"'e" Dea'h ; ,i"Y 5';810'5 "God. Save. the King" x a | Punch was served by committee in ( l j The meeting --of the Armow Wo--) charge. Mrs. Reuben Shewfelt, Mrs, ommunl oss men's Institute was held on Wednes-) Herb Shelton and Mrs. George Esk-- The unexpected death! of George day with 26 members and 10 visitors | nick. M.' Shewfelt at his home Thursday present. After the opening ode was/__.._____. vile C is Lnoon removed a man who was ac-- sung. and the Mary Stewart Collect ; -- > \tive in many spheres of community, 'repeated the roll call was answered ._.____=.--~__ is activity. _ " § h (by a sewing hint. "The seviptire was Stricken a month ago while attend~ reaL.i by Mrs. Lloyd Arn?ld. Tt was. s Wns ied Uing s hogess game at iheens, is dec:de €that r:i:;t ETlg'n ghAs_hapr $s condition 'had. improved sufficiently Would be on "Health: inichstes. of * to permit his removal from hospital c c atine op, io. : to his home a week prior to bis death. {gati is to 'beas health'.th}:nttfi es * j \Improvement continued, but an un-- planned to carry onl wi e euchre | $ expected attack Thursday caused his arties. It was decided, to have Mrs | ----: e ade sad : iA {/Id Funter andiNiS.(George Thbot death in a few minutes. 'smll' buy, some »necewy'equipmentl-- cepfin o id tcicocoune t c g _______._) > Regret was general throughout Kin-- Wfor the Institule: kitchen." Plans were / ;. cardine at his untimely passing, a mace to send. flowers or treats to (an * idomibeainsgs __.| _ George Showfelt. was bornbm llr;- p |persons critically i1 t the community carél;k% ds«::omfl'sthl:p'l i?g/']@m E';.M $ 'm to send cards to bereaved fami. ---- -------- . _i\ 1897, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. lies: ts 4 'Archie Shewfelt. Most of his lifetime Five new members Were Weledmied | ----------=--»----i==--------~--.--------|was spent in this district.. He took into the Institute, Mis. Raiph Roben-l up the Hede of baker and was highly n,: Miss: Sarah Evanl$) Mrs. Russefl i *--------o----------------s--------=--~------| success in. this . He was a} i;uconn_e!el», Mrs. Jack $ Cooper and 5 ty past ?rcsident.of' the Ontario. Master [Mrs: George Brocklebank. |. . mm nin in manco--*--o+--~-- ~| Bakers Association.. C ~-- 'An. interesting. . demonstration | of B ig. from this activity a few sewing machine work was given, . A 7 7 years ago, he lately. served as district wyote of thanks was tendered. by Mrs, | .« _ . | representative for an oil company. . EM Tt Mpateac t aomenl -- > oh. o NWOA C were numerous. sev . pre-- ' o 0 e en criercs . CA 6 wo~~~~~| vious terms as a member of the town t ce cce c n uc t P Lk council, he was elected last December im -- ts 2k n t es uie -- sls > * ,'w,l:!'g?he' again{{c&d;'"'if@:fide'. t ) j 4 'In the church of his choice, Kin--| o cardine United, he was a leader in | -- C . Ca s Bs __| many activities and a member of the ' f session. He was active in the Cham. P L v crolse s _ ber of Commerce: and' in numerous sports organizations here. _ | 9. ueP igaree in + Inteindedhtnion sn aras i 4st se ons cnientenmatfonety hm When a new arena for Kincardine | -- was mooted he was 6:'&?3%" the back. *s. h se en ie neeernimr hi i ie omm n m icion .nn mo-- o os. ... _| ors and served as first secretary of the } ooo ce n d en e e O Tc e ud D on i e en Rioice dine township he engaged in breeting * 4 «. ekececvcenie c dim on d es denate ie .. s s ic s l ies agredlcacte i ie ... l}fitses that were CODSistent winnerg at |__ district fairs. 4 sitks . | promo ::.LL:' Ees here, both . eean sn age ol --Tmnt onl ce en n on mt *4 < ies + -- en '~=~| as a member eu'- sponsoring Kin-- smen Club and 1ater a8¥h racing en | nhns m ie n en on ie en en es + stt ifi uginstint i Mlia ie 7 , .' He wed Pearl Wright OBMligincar-- * URA nncrmeneiizes ut ; i--" >\ ~wirarntac>lcaniina hib in r» *nmeng ~*~~='dine, who survives. as d f fral|...... . oo aneinnnit enc s | MopetL B §E deyoro} s go by woy; J0 arout Jt Sfuo.ed go 4 ~ e memems + L* f rntmenes ton tm --1. pinomeA] 'Sgate 30008 Uf torye ts uin dadGnemcla Jic _ Lo peetions ... ) || PBRA Sthop ore dour go | stog paptourutop aq 07 Oe Szey fernime t * . S piveriGin Mn3 i P it .116 = cioitime t TX ' ... s e 4 hss -- K R (fgpemeiointensclonty. ... onl atrorda®g. o4 ad [b .. 3 C t ;