--Yuas 948 ~ _ M Tiecnas gos Piadl Bsc ONTARIO WOMEN'S INSTITUTE _ s | MINUTE BOOK ' ¢>"! 4. l a Name of Institute.%aemmf"%mmwmw Name of District.....fi Aerral M - [ am¥el n jtz w 1g04 w' Date of Organization...:...... ~ASNH N.A e w ns on LN L P is ie vvass . ia4s-- 1444 : | ' THE Women's Institute of Ontario is a voluntary organization f which co--operates with the Provincial Department of Agricul-- ture, Toronto. Communications should be addressed to the f 3 Superintendent of Women's Institutes, Parliament Buildings, | - Toronto, Ont. ioh Minute books are supplied free of ' charge by the Women's Institute Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture, upon n | application to the above address. This book should last at j . * ; least three years. -- | k: | ' | ' #. e t . . 4 & | y