' t .. < s 1. k: $MGs. . | 1000--60--4890° " ;. J .8 Tag -- . t iyge - ' y » _ ' INSTITUTE MINUTE BOOK ~ : 7 & ' EXPLANATIONS i) e 6 (1) The Secretary--treasurer should know the rules and regulations--governing --Women's Institutes, as j";. * contained in the Hand Book.-- _-- e P s . hes (2) Minutes--ifThe blank space allowed for minutes of "Monthly, Executive and Directors' »Meetings" _ should be used to record ALL meetings connected with the Institute. The minutes should be entered consecu-- «* tively according to dates. | | f | o oc fu« lad * : Minutes should be a clear, concise record of proceedings. They should be written legibly. The record of -- . -- . T each item of business.should constituie a separate paragraph. The first paragraph should state the kind, place. _ A ' and date of meeting, the name of the presiding officer and the number in attendance. The second paragraph f should record the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and their confirmation, or, if they had been n approved at the close of the previous meeting, it should be recorded that they were read for information. [ .. Succeeding paragraphs should record the business transacted in order of occurrence. Ks > | In recording a motion, the name of the mover should be given and the result of the vote should be -- m stated--Moved by Mrs. J. Smith, and seconded, that....................c..s.................Garried. . __' . + Items or numbers on the programme should be mentioned briefly. .A short synopsis of the lecture or 4 discussion should be given. The secretary should not express her.own opinion of the programme in the minutes. If it is desirable to record a complete description of the topic of the programme it should not be included in the" minutes, but should follow them as a special report. CA 39 s h .ts n ' A final paragraph should record the closing of the meeting. y f | | Minutes should be signed by the secretary and, when confirmed by the meeting, they should be signed . a_. by the chairman. The minutes are signed as follows: Attest: Ella Smith, Secy. _ BR 6.. * + Alogls, "~, , (3) List of Meetings Held--The second section is for a chronological list of meetings heldy recording > _' ' / the place of meeting, attendance and number of addresses. *# | o tast* . t / ' (4) Cash--The next section is for a record of cash transactions. The left--hand page should contain a full explanation of receipts, that is, the source from which money is received,; the right--hand page should contain . a | full explanation of expenditures, that is, the purpose for which money is expended. The detailed,.amounts should be entered in their respective columns, for.example P i/a alles oL S Left--Hand Page * post: im ~, A Aplo Receipts 60 _ : "*% Date Explanations Members' Fees| Grants Miscellaneous |' _ Total ¢ May\15 \ Members' Fees $8.50, Township grant $10.00 8|50 10|00 18|50 We Corresponding Right--Hand Page *z m "* Expenditures a *' \we _ Meetings, Officers' Postage . Dare EXPLANATIONS II{':all Rents, | Honoraria | Stationery ;gfi?tl;, Miscel-- TOTAL ' xtension and Publicity Activiti laneous | 9l Services, etc.|. Expenses Books pHYINRES $ cts. wl e . May|45 Smith's Book Store . ' \ ll50 ' 1|50 May|16 Post Office 1|00 _ _ |-- 1|00 | *# v (5) Fmancnal Statement--The financial statement for the year ending March 31st is to be made out in _ duplicate in the section following the cash record, one copy being sent to the district secretary and the other 8 "left in the book. This statement must include the balance on hand according to the annual report.of the * previous year, and must also contain an accurate summary of all receipts, from whatever source, as well as h vif | the expenses for the year and a statement of the balance on hand at the end of'the year. Acr K ' (6) Officers and Directors and Membership List--Record names and /addresses of officers each year in space allowed for purpose. Do.not enter any names in the membership section until the fee--of 50¢ has been ' kh i paid. The names and addresses of new members may be added each year, and the renewals should be recorded . % * : each year in the space allotted. Indicate when fee was paid and when the name was sent to the district B as secretary, and .do. not duplicate same during the year. Get the correct name and address of each member,.and " p MWMR a}llways record it in the same way. Do not send the name of Mrs. J. T. Smith one year and Mrs. James Smith _3 '_{ K the next. < * \ | f 1 Note--The space in this book allows for the records of at least three years.» Should the space fqg i . ; minutes not be sufficient for any Institute, the secretary might paste in a number of blank pages. ""A m B .. io e tn. <a 4 - ; K« ~\ ho i | , '1 i ol