$ ~: XH T. 9# | ' - | x ' h 2 ONTARIO WOMEN'S INSTITITUTE + * rTL" w Q g » ¢ o } J Name of InsfituteW A oo Fo OOE Be. k Name of Dmmct%#mfdfidm Date of OrgamzaflonW'fé'///f;J _ JI9 T y 76 & i: . HE Women's Institute of Ontario is a volqntary organization which | Tco-operatcs with the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Toronto. L Communications should be addressed to the Director, Women's Institute l Branch and Home Economics Service, 1207 Bay Street, Toronto 5, Ont. | ' | ' | Minute books are supplied free of charge by the Womt?n's Institute ' Branch and Home Economics Service, Ontario Department of Agricul-- kok | } ture, upon application to the above address. This book should last at 'L, t t least three years. h A | s . & | l ' g j i S e e e mc Nn t