1000--54--747 { INSTITUTE MINUTE BOOK 5 % . V . EXPLANATIONS A (1) The secretary--treasurer should know the rules and regulations governing Women's Institutes, as | . contained in the Hand Book. % (2) Minutes--The blank space allowed for minutes of "Monthly, Executive and Directors' Meetings" _ .'r { should be used to record ALL meetings connected with the Institute. The minutes should be entered consecu-- ' f tively according to dates. A }f {4 Minutes should be a clear, concise record of proceedings. They should be written legibly. The record of _ each item of business should constitute a separate paragraph. The first paragraph should state the kind, place | and date of meeting, the name of the presiding officer and the number in attendance. The second paragraph S | should record the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and their confirmation, or, if they had been P approved at the close of the previous meeting, it should be recorded that they were read for information. Succeeding paragraphs should record the business transacted in order of occurrence. 3 In recording a motion, the name of the mover should be given and the result of the vote should be ' | stated--Moved by Mrs. J. Smith, and seconded, that......................................Garried. 10 Items or numbers on the programme should be mentioned briefly. A short synopsis of the lecture or ) discussion should be given. The secretary should not express her own opinion of the programme in the minutes. t If it is desirable to record a complete description of the topic of the programme it should not be included in the r | minutes, but should follow them as a special report. . 5o A final paragraph should record the closing of the meeting. | h _ Minutes should be signed by the secretary and, when confirmed by the meeting, they should be signed 3 by the chairman. The minutes are signed as follows: Attest: Ella Smith, Secy. 3 (3) List of Meetings Held--The second section is for a chronological list of meetings held, recording ' | the place of meeting, attendance and number of addresses. i0 (4) Cash--The next section is for a record of cash transactions. The left--hand page should contain a full 6¥ explanation of receipts, that is, the source from which money is received; the right--hand page should contain a | 4 full explanation of expenditures, that is, the purpose for which money is expended. The detailed amounts should 2M be entered in their respective colums, for example ' } Left--Hand Page || ( o P o O OOR OO l P csi _ Receipts _____________________ | Date Explanations Members' Fees| Grants | Miscellaneous Total f 4 May|15 Members' Fees $8.50, Township grant $10.00 8 ,50 ' 10 ,00 ' I I 18 '50 (C « 4 ~ Con:espondmg' Right--Hand Page ] Expenditures . Meetings, Officers' Postage *GCom-- | TOTAL | Hall Rents, | Honoraria | Stationery « Miscel=--»" "| _ _ ~ «r=&n"'\l_ f¢ Date *« __ EXPLANATIONS o ut + /3 munity @ Sfrfif:g:,l?:c. Ex?)ggses P%t(')lc?l:{;ty Activities es $ cts: | ; May|15 Smith's Book Store I I 1'50 ' l 1|50 [: May|16 Post Office 1|00 1|00 (5) Financial Statement--The financial statement for the year ending March 31st is to be made out in | duplicate in the section following the cash record, one copy being sent to the district secretary and the other ! _ left in the book. This statement must include the balance on hand according to the annual report of the \w previous year, and must also contain an accurate summary of all receipts, from whatever source, as well as ~f ' the expenses for the year and a statement of the balance on hand at the end of the year. j ' ' (6) Officers and Directors and Membership List--Record names and addresses of officers each year in s space allowed for purpose. Do not enter any names in the membership section until the fee of 50c has been + : . paid. The names and addresses of new members may be added each year, and the renewals should be recorded ' each year in the space allotted. Indicate when fee was paid and when the name was sent to the district J secretary, and do not duplicate same during the year. Get the correct name and address of each member and | ' £a}llways record it in the same way. Do not send the name of Mrs. J. T. Smith one year and Mrs. James Smith f ? e next. | _ _ Note--The space in this book allows for the records of at least three years. Should the space for muinutes not be sufficient for any Institute, the secretary might paste in a number of blank pages. s